ARHS Consulting
- Java/JEE Senior Analyst Developer
2012 - maintenant
1. Java/JEE Arhs Consulting Senior Developer at European Investment Bank (EIB)
October 2015 - Present
Kirchberg - Luxembourg
Fast Track project
Tools: Java 7, Sybase, JBoss 7, EJB3, Hibernate 4, JSF (Richfaces), Maven, Freemarker
2. Java/JEE Arhs Consulting Senior Analyst Programmer at ARHS Spikeseed (Arhs Group subsidiary)
August 2015 - September 2015
Kirchberg - Luxembourg
Fixed price project at European Commission
POC of Spring XD and Elastic Search for European Commission - OP (Office of Publications).
As Java/JEE Senior Analyst Programmer, I especially worked on the cluster installation on RHEL Linux machines for a distributed mode and failover recovery, involving different tools besides Spring XD and Elasticsearch: ZooKeeper, RabbitMQ and MongoDB.
3. Java/JEE Arhs Consulting Junior Architect at ARHS Cube (Arhs Group subsidiary)
February 2015 - July 2015
Bertrange - Luxembourg
Fixed price project Chambre des Députés portal reworking
Portal reworking to fit JSR 286 standard (Java Portlet Specification 2.0), with Spring framework (including Spring Webflow), Hibernate and Apache SolR introduced.
As Java/JEE junior architect, I had to:
- solve problems of Websphere Portal about data sources configuration, and slowliness of server
- introduce Hibernate, develop DB access module with injected Websphere data sources (multi data sources)
- introduce Spring core and adapt to Portlet 2.0 specification
- introduce Spring Webflow and adapt to Portlet 2.0 specification (Spring Webflow proof of concept)
- elaborate technical documentation template, with general and common architecture and specifics about each portlet rewrote
- RoleDesAffaires portlet implementation
- help other team members about Spring and Hibernate integration
Spring core, Spring MVC, Spring Webflow, Spring Expression Language, Java, JSP, javascript, CSS, Hibernate, Websphere AS, Websphere Portal, Informix, Eclipse, Apache SolR.
4. ARHS Consulting Junior Java/JEE Architect at CTIE (Centre des Technologies Informatiques de l'Etat) Luxembourg Government
May 2012 - Present
Projets eTVA & eCDF
EJB3, Struts 2, Java, JSP, javascript, CSS, Tiles, OpenJPA, JQuery, Websphere AS, DB2, RAD 7, XML, XSLT, XSL-FO, ANT
Altran Luxembourg SA
- Ingénieur développment Java/JEE senior
2008 - 2012
1. Java/JEE Senior developer at Alcatel-Lucent Namur (Belgium)
Telecommunications industry
July 2010 – January 2012
Optism ALU brand ( http://www.optism.com )
Optism is the Mobile Advertising solution of Alcatel Lucent. Optism enables permission and preference based mobile advertising service between the Media Sellers / Buyers, who bring ad campaigns from Advertisers, and the Mobile Operators, who expose their subscribers. The Optism solution is a hosted platform ("Software as a Service" model) using internet and tunnelling techniques to integrate with Mobile operators networks.
Mission: Java/JEE architecture, design & development tasks were:
- To develop new features (50%)
- To work on re-architecture of the application following SOA principles (feature oriented)(25%)
- To introduce new unit testing tools to support new Test Driven Development philosophy: Mockito, PowerMock (25%)
Tools: Spring, Hibernate, JBoss, Maven, AndroMDA, JSF (Icefaces/AJAX), Jasper server, Highcharts, JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock, TestNG, MySQL, log4j, Eclipse, Toad, Putty, Apache ODE (BPEL), Apache CXF, Drools / Guvnor, Scrum methodology
2. Java/JEE Altran CIS Consultant at Emakina (Brussels, Belgium)
Webagency - Internet industry
February 2010 – June 2010 (5 months)
MySite (Truvo) web Java/JEE application
TRUVO, which edits for example Pages d’Or in Belgium, needs to develop its internet offer in order to keep growing throughout new technologies. So one of the most important features of this strategy is now to develop web sites to their customer quickly and for a reasonable cost. They chose eMakina, the leading web agency in belgium to develop a site generator called MySite. A team of 15 persons is now dedicated to this project.
Technical Environment:
Spring MVC, Spring Security, Java 1.5, JSP, javascript, CSS, SiteMesh, Hibernate ORM Framework, Yahoo!UI Library (AJAX), ActiveMQ, JUnit, Unitils Testing Framework, Apache Webserver, Tomcat, MySQL, Eclipse IDE, Bamboo, Selenium, MySQL Query Browser, MySQL Workbench 5.1.
3. Java/J2EE Altran CIS Consultant at Altran CIS (Luxembourg)
Privately Held ; Information Technology and Services industry
October 2009 – January 2010 (4 months)
Worked on different internal projects, especially on a JavaFX demo presented to SES-Astra, and on the follow-up of Mirth (EAI) maintenance settled at FFE / Hôpital du Kirchberg
4. Java/J2EE Altran CIS Consultant
European Commission
Government Agency; 10,001 or more employees; Government Administration industry
June 2008 – Present (1 year 4 months)
DIGIT, central direction of European Commission concerning IT, although each DG has its own IT service (but DIGIT stays as referent and head of innovation). A team of 6 persons is dedicated to Argus and BCM (containing a software architect and a project leader).
The mission was to maintain Argus application and develop its new BC (Business Continuity) functionality. Argus is a general rapid alert system. It is an internal communication network allowing the Directorates-general and services of the Commission to share key information in the event of a crisis.
More precisely, as Java/J2EE development engineer, my tasks were:
- to design and to develop new business modules according to BC system requirements (Business Continuity) and existing technical architecture (40%)
- to maintain application according to user needs (10%)
- to write JUnit tests and selenium t
Altran CIS Luxembourg
- Ingénieur développment Java/J2EE
2006 - 2008
1. Java/J2SE (swing) Altran CIS Consultant (Betzdorf, Luxembourg)
Public Company; 201-500 employees; SESG; Telecommunications industry
October 2007 – May 2008 ( 8 months)
SES Astra (Communication Solutions service), based in Betzdorf, manage video streams from and to telecommunication satellites.
In order to ease this management by operators, SES Engineering chose to develop different end-users interfaces developed in Java, with a client-server model.
So, my tasks were mainly:
· To design, to develop and to test SWING interface (which will be used to manage server configuration files attached to video streaming. The communication between works essentially with sockets and UTF-8 encoded bytes streams) according to business requirements and technical architecture:
· To design a first “architectural model” for future similar GUI: I was free to choose, according to project team leader, the best way to define this GUI, in order to develop modules which could be re-used afterwards.
Tools: Netbeans IDE 6.0, Linux Ubuntu (server), Windows XP (client), SWING, Java 1.5
2. MIRTH EAI Altran CIS developer at Hopital de Kirchberg (Luxembourg)
Information Technology and Services industry
2007 – 2007 (less than a year)
To replace E-gate which was judged too heavy for the needs, FFE/Hôpital de Kirchberg chose Mirth solution, an open source EAI specially dedicated to healthcare area. This tool manage HL7 (health messaging format) messages between health applications.
With daily and direct contact with users representatives, my tasks were to :
· Design, to develop channels on Mirth according to business requirements and old E-Gate channels: it was a moment to improve the old channels developed on E-Gate
· Write test plans and to test channels.
· Deploy Mirth EAI and PostgreSQL database on virtual pre-production servers and physical production servers
· Write how-to documentation on Mirth and PostgreSQL (install, config, use)
Tools: Mirth EAI 1.7, PostgreSQL 8, PGAdmin III, Windows XP, JavaScript
3. IT consultant at Altran CIS (Windhof, Luxembourg)
Privately Held ; 51-200 employees ; Information Technology and Services industry
2007 – 2007 (less than a year)
Worked on internal project of white paper concerning e-commerce in Luxembourg, on package deals replies, and as Altran CIS maintenance correspondent on MIRTH project of Hôpital de Kirchberg
4. Java/J2EE Altran CIS Consultant at RBC Dexia Investor Services (Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg)
Privately Held ; 1001-5000 employees ; Financial Services industry
November 2006 – June 2007 (8 months)
To improve business effectiveness and find new clients, RBC-Dexia and particularly its Distribution Support section, which main purpose is to transmit orders on investment funds from clients to transfer agents, decided to have a new application to manage flows.
With daily and direct contact with users representatives of business Distribution Support my tasks were to :
· Design, to develop and to test application modules according to business requirements and technical architecture
And the business modules I made were :
· Referential data imports management from Dexia-BIL provider (XML flow between applications)
· Order confirmations management (business workflow for Order, Switch or Transfer) from TA globalized confirmations to detailed client (data control, split including rounding, links to cash flow, screens)
Tools: Eclipse (MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 5.0), Geronimo/Tomcat, Oracle 9i, MQSeries, ActiveMQ 4.1, Spring 2.0, Hibernate 3.2, WebObjects, Ajax, Java 1.5
- Développeur / Designer Java/J2EE
2004 - 2006
1. Java/J2EE Stepinfo Consultant
CA Leasing
Banking industry
January 2006 – September 2006 ( 9 months)
Java/J2EE design & development : From detailed business specifications, technical design and writing of detailed technical specifications (with UML artefacts), and development of application modules : Adresses management, Correspondents management, Multi-criteria research, Financial third parties management.
Tools : WSAD 5.1, Rational Rose, Websphere, Oracle 8i & 10g, Maven 1.0, Spring 1.2, Hibernate 3.0, Struts 1.2, Java 1.3
2. Java/J2EE Stepinfo Developer (package deal)
Mutuelle Générale des Affaires sociales (MGAS)
Insurance industry
July 2005 – December 2005 ( 6 months)
Java/J2EE design & development : From detailed business specifications, technical design and writing of detailed technical specifications and development of application modules : Users management, Members management, Contracts management, Dues management, Billing management, Deduction management.
Tools : Eclipse 3.1, Tomcat 5, Oracle 10g, Hibernate 2.0, Struts 1.2, Java 1.5
3. UML Designer - Java/J2EE Stepinfo Developer
Banque de France
Government Agency; Banking industry
November 2004 – June 2005 ( 8 months)
Specifications & Java/J2EE development : From users needs expression, writing of detailed business specifications (with UML artefacts). Technical design of in-plant exchange applications protocoles. Technical design and development of prototypes : Courts exchanges management & FICP (french national application which classify individual payment & credit incidents) exchanges management.
Tools : WSAD 5.0, PowerAMC 9, Oracle 8i, Java 1.3
- Stagiaire UML / Java / J2EE
2004 - 2004
April 2004 – September 2004 ( 6 months)
Object-Oriented specialist trainee : Elaboration of IONIS software development method (UP / UML). Java/JSP development of application examples to add to . framework IONIS training. Elaboration Together’s documentation(install, config, use).
Tools : WSAD 5.1, Together 6.2, DB2, Java 1.3, framework IONIS
Direct FM
- Reporter/Sound Editor
2000 - 2001
October 2000 – August 2001 ( 11 months)
News seeking and checking. News reports, interviews. Sound records, editings.
Tools : Avid ProTools
EDF - CNPE de Cattenom
- Assistant communication - spécialiste multimedia
1999 - 2000
November 1999 – September 2000 ( 11 months)
NB : EDF - CNPE Cattenom is one of the biggest nuclear power plants of EDF (Electricité De France).
Representative for internal/external communication during the production’s block 4 shutdown in June/August 2000 (nuclear fuel, maintenance). Restoration of multimedia and video tools of Communication Service. Internal infographic design, internal video reports. Various missions in PR (exhibitions, forums, press meetings). In charge of local company’s newspapers (Cattenom Magazine, etc.)
Tools : Internal softwares (TV-Infos 98, etc.), MS Office, Perception RT (video editing)