
Jean-Luc BOSIO


En résumé

Mes compétences :
rural development
tropical rural development
responsibilities Management and coordination
research training and development
project training
food processing
Team Management
Social skills
Project design and management
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Excel


  • Montpellier SupAgro - Head

    Montpellier 2011 - maintenant Montpellier SupAgro's international relation office
    Main activities and responsibilities Management and coordination of Montpellier Supagro's international relations with higher education institutions.
  • Montpellier Supagro's International - Head of partnership

    2008 - maintenant exchange office Montpellier Supagro's International Relation Direction http://www.supagro.fr/

    Main activities and responsibilities In charge of developing partnerships between Montpellier Supagro and foreign Universities, exchange of students and staff, research collaboration, joint training programs.

  • WBISD Water and Rural - Rural development specialist

    2006 - 2007 Main activities and responsibilities In charge of the rural development component of WBISD Water and Rural Development program, organization of capacity building activities for World Bank clients ;
  • French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 244 bd St Germain 75007 PARIS FRANCE - Manager

    2001 - 2005 project providing assistance to three Faculties within the University of Abomey Calavi, UAC

    Main activities and responsibilities Based in the School of Agronomy at the University of Abomey Calavi. In charge of the management and implementation of one of the components of the project assisting the School of Agronomy (150,000 Euros per year.)
    In charge of the administration and coordination of the three components of the project (300,000 Euros per year); supervise the two other technical advisors.

    Name and address of employer
  • CNEARC Montpellier - Advisor

    1998 - 2001 Main activities and responsibilities 1998-2001 in charge of the management of an annual six-month training course for 120 students following their Masters studies in tropical rural development; Masters thesis advisor for eight students each year ; identification and implementation of a training of trainers for 25 teachers from three schools of agronomy in Guinea-Conakry, West Africa.
  • CNEARC - Training coordinator

    1996 - 1997 organized a Masters-level specialization at CNEARC in food processing in rural areas; identification and implementation of a training of trainers for 25 teachers from three schools of agronomy in
  • CNEARC - Training coordinator

    1995 - 1996 in charge of the organization of the first year of masters studies in tropical agronomy and rural development studies in CNEARC.

    Name and address of employer French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 78, rue de Varenne 75349 Paris 07 SP
    Based in CNEARC Montpellier 1101 Av Agropolis BP 5098 34093 Montpellier cedex 05
  • Ministère des affaires étrangères - Technical advisor

    Paris 1988 - 1993 Main activities and responsibilities Developed and put in place a mechanism for identifying rural development activities aimed at improving rural incomes, food security and mechanized farming techniques for a development project comprising about 150 employees over 150,000 square kilometers.
    Developed and managed training programs for rural cooperatives.

    Name and address of employer French Ministry for cooperation, 57 bd des Invalides 75007 PARIS FRANCE

    Type of business or sector Rural development, research training and development


  • University Of Burgundy

    Dijon 1993 - 1995 Master

    Title of qualification awarded Master Degree in Economics at the University of Burgundy, specialization in training for rural development
  • The National School Of Agronomy And Food Sciences

    Nancy 1983 - 1989 Master

    Title of qualification awarded Master in Agronomy at the National School of Agronomy and Food Sciences, Nancy, France, specialization in development studies and rural development

    Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Agronomy, economics, food science and technology, rural development

    Name and type of organisation providing education and t


Annuaire des membres :