


En résumé

Actually in professional internership at ARTELIA Group in Ground water sector for 5 months.
I am a Engineer-Expert Professional pursuing a Bachelor program in Rural Engineering and Environmental Sciences; option of Soil and Water Management at University of Rwanda college of Agriculture and Medecine Veterinary. Am also holder of title of Expert (Equivalent to Master II) in''Ingenierie de developpement local/Rural from Catholic University of Lyon (CIEDEL) -France from 2013-2014. Am nowdays in master's of Earth Sciences and Environment with Specialisation of Ground Water at Joseph Fourier University Grenoble 1 France from September 2014 to July 2015 with skills in water supply and sanitaion (WASH); conducting studies (site et sol pollué-Depollution); Environmental Impact Assessment, Disaster management, Project Planning and management.
I fluently speak both international languages English and French, and Kinyarwanda as my mother tongue, I have a range of skills and knowledge of different data management and analysis software and those include SPSS,HEC-RAS; WxMAXIMA;Feflow;R; Hydrus; very dynamic and highly motivated, I enjoy working in a diverse, multicultural and team driven environment. With reference to my work experience and my skills, I want to be part of the success to the society (there is no sciences without society). I am sincere with my work .

Mes compétences :
informations et orientation en vue de favoriser la
• Identification et analyse de politique publique.


  • NGALI Energy Ltd - Team Leader

    2013 - 2013 For one week: Consultancy Services (As Group Team Leader) with tasks:
    -Make mapping exercise for identification of all potential hydropower sites with economic viability in the country.
    -Consolidating existing knowledge on Hydro power sites and makes it ready for use.
    -Conducting Field visits for mapping and confirmation of the sites.
    -Collecting data on all sites as shown on the forms supplied by the client.
    -Making reports.
  • RCEC Ltd - Ingenieur chef de chantier

    2013 - 2013 - Coordinations des travaux d’aménagements.
    - Recrutement de la main d’œuvre.
    - Préparations des listes de paie et gestion du personnel
    - Encadrer les Associations des Usagers d’eau
    - Observations, accompagnement et orientations de développement rural et durable.
    - Gestion du budget de fonctionnement
    - Résolutions des conflits liés aux projets de développements (Fonciers)
    - Etude d’impact Environnemental (liée à l’écologie)
  • RCEC Ltd - Mission de surveillance

    2009 - 2011 - Mise en place des plans directeurs d’aménagement élaborés par le maitre de l’ouvrage.
    - Accompagnement des maçons de l’entreprise d’exécution pour la construction des infrastructures d’irrigations.
    - Approbation et vérifications des factures
    - Etude hydrologique de 6 bas-fonds.
    - Contrôle de qualité des travaux réalisés.
    Stratégies d’action
    - Rigueur dans le respect du temps (commencer à temps)
    - Capitalisation des expériences
    - Tenir compte des aléas climatiques
    - Méthodologie de faire avec et/ou de démonstration.



Annuaire des membres :