Serial Inventor
Jean-Philippe Ginestet has designed and developed a large number of physical machine (real time electronic, optics, physical, electromagnetic, chemical).
All the creations or design received the award innovation.
Design management and control of production China, Taiwan, Japan, Europe, Us, Implementation industrial partnerships (Foxconn, Yue Yuen, Global Brand Manufacture, Asus, Gigabyte, Samsung, Acer, IBM, Dell, Sony, AT OPTRO, CPT, VIA, Intel, ATI, Xilinx, Altera ...)
TEDEDEC: Tele-transmission for Collaborative Decision
(France Telecom, CNRS GRIC-IRIT)
Patent Jean Philippe Ginestet 2002 (wearable computer, with camera, voice and data multiplexed encryption wireless transmission)
- Data communication wireless, combines the design and manufacture electronics for a UAV (data, video, gps ...)
- Project MAGIC 2004 tablet PC with Stereo camera for archeologists
-PMP Portable Media Player Like IPAD 2008 (best for Design&Software) (Reader Magnetic Card & Hi security data encryption)
- Conception and Design electronic of Network card for High Performance Computing HPC (Super calculator – 2009)
Study Interconnect Optical (240 GB/s Fiber optics) between CPU (Intel, Amd Ati, Nvidia…) and high speed memory
- Expert Senior HPC Report Expert Energy of datacenter For leader Energy & Oil in France (2010)
- Electric motor, Electric generator, Power converter, Operation & Management, Monitoring real-time
- Design and production of new pure carbon nanostructured matter for electricity, electronics, chemistry and mechanics. Design and production of machine for the nanotechnology industry
Depuis février 2005 CINETRAIN (Location de lecteur DVD et de films dans les trains TGV)
- 7 centres logistiques ON BOARD
- 8 Kiosques en gare
Fonction : Directeur recherche & developpement
De l’étude à la fabrication : gestion globale de projet
Etude et réalisation d’un Portable Média Player (PMP) propriétaire
Gestion et pilotage de la sous-traitante en Chine. (Etude, prototypage et production, maitrise du détail des coûts)
Gestion des dossiers d’aides financières : Anvar, Région
Résultat : Prototype fonctionnel dans le respect des délais et du budget. Labellisation Anvar 02/06 et FCPI.
Mes compétences :
Informatique industrielle
Informatique embarquée
Information stratégique
Informatique Scientifique
Informatique médicale
Electronique Analogique et numérique
Électronique de puissance
Logiciel embarqué
Software architecture
Software Engineer
Networks and Information system
Information Technologies
Énergies Renouvelables
Energy efficiency
Calcul scientifique
Grid computing
High Performance Computing
High Technologies
Intellectual property
Pas de formation renseignée