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Pour me contacter
Jean Pierre CEYTAIRE est né le 26 mai 1946 à Paris.
Il passe toute son enfance sur la butte Montmartre. Après un parcours difficile au Lycée Condorcet; (renvoyé) il continue des études toujours aussi difficiles (disorthographie, dyslexie, mémoire fantaisiste et sélective). Trois ans perdus pour ne pas avoir le bac. Après, études beaucoup plus faciles il obtient son diplôme de kinésithérapeute et découvre la peinture lors de son service militaire. Il exerce passionnément son métier pendant 15 ans. L’année de ses 40 ans, il organise une grande fête (Gangsters petites putes).
Il décide de changer de cap et offre à une de ses clientes sa blouse et sa plaque. Il se consacre ensuite uniquement au long apprentissage de son métier d’artiste. Très vite, il impose un style personnel par son esthétisme et les différents thèmes d’inspiration qu’il exploite dans sa création: Partagé entre le sacré et le païen et fort d’une œuvre déjà très importante, il a déjà réalisé de très nombreuses expositions personnelles en France et dans le monde.
Il vit et travaille dans sa maison au cœur d'un charmant village, au bord de la Seine prés de Paris, à Carrieres sur Seine.
Jean-Pierre CEYTAIRE was born May 26, 1946 in Paris.
He spent his early years at the bottom of the hill of Montmartre. He had a difficult time in High School Condorcet , and was even expelled, but nevertheless he continued his studies again with personal challenges; (disorthogrqphy; dyslexy, selective memory with an extensive imagination) but without success. He never obtained his high school diploma, but soon after began to study Physical Therapy. He found such studies very interesting and without much difficulty he obtained his Physical Therapy diploma. He then served his mandatory military duty, where he discovered is artistic side. When he finished his military service, he worked passionately and intensely as a Physical Therapist for 15 years.
His 40th birthday was a turning point in his life. He organized a grand gala (Gangsters and Dames) and turned over his Physical Therapy robe and name plaque to one of his clients. At this point he began to devote his life to being an artist and perfect his skills as a painter, sculptor, graver, lithography, etc. He quickly established his personal style by his inspirations. He was torn between the sacred and the pagan and created many significant works and was widely recognized by many personal expositions throughout France and all over the world.
He lives and works from his home located in a Carrieres sur Seine, a charming village along the River Seine not far from Paris.
Mes compétences :
Pas de formation renseignée