I am a Chemical Engineer with a total of 3.5 years of experience in France, the USA and South Korea.
In addition of my background, I developed skills in chemical unit designs, commissioning, lean manufacturing (Six Sigma) and management of change.
I demonstrated a strong adaptation capability to different industrial and human environments.
I have always worked in a very international environment. Indeed, I worked in 9 different countries (France, USA, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, India, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and Belgium).
I am looking for new opportunities in Australia in Production and Manufacturing fields, where I can bring my skills and keep developing myself.
Jérôme Depuydt
Compétences en résumé:
- Lean Manufacturing : Support à la transformation, Lean 6 Sigma (statistiques associées, méthode DMAIC), CEDAC, Ishikawa, Finance for non-Finance, ABC Ranking, Pareto, Value stream mapping, 5S, résolution de problème, Just Needed Inventory, Right First Time, dialogue de performance…
- Analytiques : RMN (1D, 2D), CPG, HPLC, GC-MS, ICP, LC-MS et autres techniques chromatographiques, colorimétrie. Chimie des Polymères, Chimie Organique, Biochimie et Procédés.
- Bureautiques : Outils Office, Minitab, SAP, Sci-finder, ChemSketch, Belsteinn, Wave, Visio, Smartsheet.
- Langues : Anglais (Bilingue), Espagnol (Niveau intermédiaire).
- Divers : Techniques de laboratoire, gestion de projet, validation de méthodes.
Mes compétences :
Relation client
Six Sigma