

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Compétences clés : supply chain, finance, management, systemes d'information, gestion de projet. Alternativement responsable opérationnel et fonctionnel d'un grand groupe industriel international, je manage aujourd'hui une équipe ayant pour but de transformer en profondeur les processus dans le cadre de projets variés de la Supply Chain et la logistique. Animé par la création de valeur et l'efficacité, j'utilise mon expérience multi-culturelle et mes compétences variées pour réussir des projets de transformation physiques ou informatiques.

Mes compétences :
Finance Controlling
Material Management
SAP Finance
Supply chain


  • Schneider Electric - Business Transformation and Master Data Director for EMEA

    Rueil Malmaison 2012 - maintenant Domaines d'activité : Logistique, entrepots, transport, production, gestion des stocks, planifications collaboratives des ventes, Planification des besoins et de la production, Finance Controle, Données de base. Piloter la performance de nos entités industrielles et logistiques au travers de l'amélioration des processus, des outils et des données. Nombreuses optimisations et standardisations de notre réseau de distribution en Europe, Moyen Orient et Afrique. Standardisation des processus et change management au travers de projet ERP (SAP) sur 18 entités. Management d'une équipe de Référents Processus et d'une équipe Master Data (30 personnes).
  • Schneider Electric - Logistics zone Finance & Control Manager

    Rueil Malmaison 2008 - 2011 Logistics Finance & Control Manager : responsible for the right allocation of ressources (human, technical, IT, financial) to reach logistics performance (on time delivery to customers, customer claims, costs of stocks, costs of operations, transport). Specially in charge of optimizing working capital via stock parameter management (forecasts, safety stocks, order quantity, etc.)
  • Schneider Electric - Finance and control Manager - Supply Chain

    Rueil Malmaison 2004 - 2007 Manager of the finance & control operations of the biggest International Distribution Center of the company (shipping € 1 billion / year worldwide). Major achievements : put in place an efficient management process (from company program to local action plans and indicators). Strong support of the other managers of the board to improve the quality and the efficiency of their activities : inbound & outbound through productivity - material management (ABC / FMR) - Methods & Maintenance - Non Productive Purchasing (packaging, logistics subcontracting, facility management) - Quality (6-sigma green belt) - Human Resources (training - annual appraisal follow-up).
    I was in charge of delivering the coporate reportings (Hyperion) via SAP R3 (Fi / CoPa / PCA / CCA). Pilot of the rolling forecasts (every 3 months) : collecting inputs, working with managers to get the description of the necessary actions to achieve the yearly targets, communication to the management, and then in charge of collecting all the indicators and explanations of the monthly results.
  • Schneider Eletric - SAP support team manager

    2003 - 2003 In charge of the post go-live Support Team for the Logistics Information System (SAP SD - MM - FICO - PP - WM) ). Management of 10 people, responsible for correcting the bugs identified and proposing evolutions. Major achievements : negotiation with operations managers, setting-up priorities, crisis communicating, short-interval management, hierarchical and functional management.
  • Schneider Electric - SAP Sales & Distribution Internal Consultant

    Rueil Malmaison 1998 - 2003 Member of the SAP project team, in charge of Sales and Distribution (in a team of about 30 people), and specially for master data, sales prices and invoicing. Major activities along the project : collecting the needs of the different users in the 4 international distribution centers, setting-up the customizing and describing the necessary specific adjustments (relation with IT developpers), unit and integration tests, developping the training materials (doc, ppt, web), training the super-users and finally supporting the logistics customer center after the go-live.
  • Schneider Electric - Customer credit control & risk project manager

    Rueil Malmaison 1998 - 2000 Inside the Credit Control & Risk Department, in charge of delivering the necessary tools to improve credit & risk management. I developped one major tool aiming at improving the efficiency of the credit management team (gathering data from other entities of the group) allowing customers to have one contact in front of the company : simplicity for the customer, efficiency for the company (better knowledge of their credit limits and overdues).


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