A geologist by training, worked briefly as a lecturer at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria and then as Biostratigrahic Consultant in the Petroleum industry before returning to academics in 2005. Experiences include: Senior Palynologist at Geotrex Systems Limited, Lagos, 1986-1987; MD and CEO of Petrostrat Services Limited, Omole - Lagos, 1992-2005. As chief consultant at Petrostrat, I coordinated/directed biostratigraphic (sedimentological, foraminiferal, palynological and calcareous nannofossils) studies and their application in sequence stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental interpretations. Clients were mainly multinational exploration and production companies operating in the Niger Delta. From 2005 to 2009, I taught Petroleum geology on part-time at the University of Lagos (M. Sc. Applied Geophysics program) Department of Physics.
Mes compétences :
Managing Director, Petrostrat Services Ltd, Lagos:
Visiting Lecturer in Petroleum geol. Unilag. M. Sc
Consulting Palynologist, STRATCOM 1999-2002, 2012-
Cretaceous - Cenozoic Dinocysts specialist
management studies and Graphic correlation.