- FinancialManager & Chief Financial Officer
2015 - maintenant
- Financial Manager for a national group leader in automotive Glass .Headqurters in Zaragoza ( Spain) and with delegation in : Madrid, Bacelona and Sevilla.
Responsible for accountancy, taxes, finances, budgeting, monthly,quarterly and yearly closing.
- Responsible for reporting : Results, financial forecast, etc…
- Member of management committee: Establishing with the general manager the KPI’s for strategic decisions.
- Relationship with third parties: Banks, auditors, etc…
Vinci Energies Group
- FinancialManager & Chief Financial Officer
2005 - 2014
* Imanagea Team of7 people, reporting directly to the General Manager.
* Financial Manager in a multicompany andmultinational environement ( 6 companies - Thales group ) basedin
* Responsible for accountancy, taxes andgroup finances : Monthly, quarterly, andyearly closings, statutory
accounts, Group Tresorery ( internal cash pooling ).
* Responsible for reportings to the headquarters in Paris : Closing, monthly indicators, tax forecast, cash forecast,
results forecast, consolidated accounts.
* Elaboration andanalysis ofdeviation in yearly budgets.
* Responsible for the compliance ofinternal control rules andthe performance of administrative process..
* Analytic field: Support andfollow-up for the projects jointly with the Business Units Managers ,specially the
following of activity in relation to the budgets, to findsolutions if there are deviations.
* Responsible for the Business Unit ``Headquarters `` of the group, central services :Group assurances, buildings,
maintenance , IT costs, salary cost ofcentral services.
* Relationships with thirdparties : Banks, auditors, lawyers , legal advisors, notaries, etc... Multidisciplinary teams
* Legal field: Review of clients contracts , suppliers contacts ,legal requirements of subcontracting , approval to
operate as a supplier for the Spanish govern ,other licenses , licitations, etc...
Others financial performances inside the Vinci corporaction.
* Financial Manager ofall the group in Spain : Reporting directly to the financial Manager of the international área in
Paris .
* Diverse collaborations andworks within the group : Internal audits of new companies in the group, unifying
accountancy criteria ,financial consulting for the group, Human resources support.
Others functions in Human Resources field :
* Negotiations with trade Unions. Negotiations of E.R.E. ( Spanish process regarding redundancy ), individual
dismissals, salary policies, incentives.
* Representation with thirdparts : Labour authorities, labour inspectors, etc.... ;
* Financial reports for economical causes of dismissal andrestructuring process. ;
* Support to Business Units to calculate rentability bearing in mindsalary costs.
Gil Group
- Risk Manager
2000 - 2005
Responsibilities: Default risk customer manager, responsible for credit insurance customers, claims and legal
actions, the treatment ofaccounts with credit customers: provisions, etc...
Confederacion Entrepreneurs
- Consultant
1999 - 2000
Confederación Regional de empresarios de Aragón ( CREA)
Responsibilities:Advising companies in many matters in relation to management, financial andaccounting matters
Dino Group
- Administrative Manager
1998 - 1999
Industrial shoemaker group ``Dino''
Imanageda team of4 people, responsible for accountancy, taxes, andcost.
Responsible of statutory accountancy andall kindof legal requirements with authorities, reports to shareholders
SIPEL ,S.A., and autres
- Accountant
1995 - 1998
S'IPEL,S.A.; Justo Ojeda, S.L. ;Miguel Ruiz Administrador de fincas.
Sectors : consulting, chemical, others.
Responsibilities ; Administration of individuals' work : book-keeping , payroll , tax payments and producing annual