2008 - 2009Animator for the series « Garfield and co. » (6 sec / day)
- CG Animator
2007 - 2007) - CG Animator - Animator for the series « Bravo Gudule » (Season3) (16 sec / day)
Ellips Anim
- CG Animator
2007 - 2007) - Animator for the series « Bravo Gudule» (Season 2) (animation correction)
- CG Animator
2006 - 2006) - CG Animator - Animator for the series « Bravo Gudule » (Season 2) (16sec / day)
- Animateur 3D
2005 - 2005Black Voodoo Production (Vitry sur Seine, France) - Ilustrator-
CD Compilation cover « Au Bonheur des Dames »
- CG Animator
2005 - 2005) - CG Animator - Animator for the series « Bravo Gudule » (Season 1) (16sec/day)
Technocité (Charleroi)
Charleroi2007 - 2007Techno cité et Dreamwall - (Charleroi - Belgium) -
Professional Training on a deepening in the animation
Georges Méliès School (Orly)
Orly2002 - 2004Certificate
as film director seeing patients in numerical and film special effects
Short animation movie : First experience in the 3D Animation (Bac +2)
Study of all chain of production
Animation supervisor : Michel Rimbeau, (Old Disney animator)
St Luc Institute (Tournai)
Tournai1998 - 2002Diploma
Advanced technical secondary education diploma (in technical qualifications)
Music Academy (Peruwelz)
Peruwelz1998 - 2003Certificate
reading with great distinction, Award of Excellence
André Dumortier (Leuze)
Leuze1996 - 1996Diploma
Piano Contest « André Dumortier (Leuze-en-Hainaut - Belgique) » - Award of 3rd place in Junior category