After my Master degree at University of Lyon 1 in networking and systems, I've integrated INRIA Rhône-Alpes as R&D Engineer at INSA in Lyon on WSim project, simulator for full platform estimations and debug used in Embedded Systems (Sensor Networks).
During 2012, I was Expert engineer INRIA at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon for CompatibleOne FUI collaborative project, research project publicly funded by French Ministery FUI to provide open source cloudware for the creation, deployment and management of private, public or hybrid Cloud platforms.
In january 2013, always at Ecole Normale Supérieur in Lyon, I've joined XLCloud project (previous codename "Magellan") to work on . It's a collaborative project sets out to define and demonstrate a cloud platform based on HPC-as-a-Service.
Mes compétences :
Cloud computing