


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Glasgow university - Advanced diagnostics group - Postdoctoral research assistant

    2009 - maintenant 2009-... Post-doctoral Research Assistant in the development of microfluidics systems for cell-based analysis for drug screening, biology and diagnostics – Bioelectronics Research Center (Glasgow University – Jon Cooper’s group). RASOR Programme http://www.gla.ac.uk/rasor/

    Project 1: Proof-of-concept commercialisation project (Scottish Entreprise funded) on the use of Surface acoustic waves for advanced diagnostics - cell-based assay for latent tuberculosis and molecular assays for malaria. Main responsibility in the technical development of a prototype. Strongly involved in the commercial aspects towards the delivery of a business plan and incorporation.

    Project 1: Diseased cell separation from small blood samples, using specific mechanical properties in a surface acoustic waves (SAW)-driven microfluidic system. Utilizing phononic arrays to couple the SAW energy in the fluid.
    Project 2: Single cell arrays: incorporating microfluidically-controlled gradients on arrays of single cell traps to study non-adhering cells responses to drugs, migration and division dynamics.
  • Institute of Microelectronics - Senior research engineer

    2006 - 2009 2006-2009 Senior Research Engineer and Project Leader developing innovative microtechnologies for cell-based assays for drug discovery and diagnostics applications – Institute of Microelectronics (A-STAR, Singapore)
    Project 1 (co-PI): Development of an integrated system for the detection of rare circulating cells from blood samples. a- Project leader for the application to circulating tumour cells (CTCs) – large blood samples,
    b- co-PI for the application to endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) – small blood samples point-of-care (POC).
    Project 2 (co-PI): Development of a high-throughput lateral patch-clamping system (1536 wells), collaboration with industry
  • CEA Grenoble - Thesard

    2002 - 2006 ingénieur chercheur en technologies pour la santé : mise au point de biopuces à cellules pour le criblage phénotypique à haut-contenu.


Annuaire des membres :