


En résumé

A highly motivated, sales professional executive with strong skills in negotiation and relationship-building.


- Successful in complex sales with major companies and government entities (documents available).
- Intuitive ability to identify and capitalize on new market opportunities, and to drive successfully new business growth.
- Quick study with an ability to rapidly achieve organizational integration, easily assimilate job requirements and aggressively employ new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies.
-Energetic and self-motivated team player/builder.
- Exceptional communication, interpersonal, intuitive and leadership skills. Thrive in work situations requiring an ability to manage multiple and concurrent responsibilities.

1992/2000 Courses by Xerox France
Knowledge management / Selling network printing system solutions
Services and Solutions / Digital approach / Managing major and complex accounts / Commercial negotiation / Sales in administration (procedures and right) /Total Quality Management


French : mother tongue
English : Fluent
German : written and spoken
Spanish : survival level
Interests for far eastern languages with some notions of vocabulary: Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, and Thai.


Press : Article of the newspaper " L’ EXPANSION " of September, 1999 on my career (pages 117 - 119).

Mes compétences :


  • Helvetic Payroll - Managing Partner

    Geneve 2011 - maintenant
  • Xelis Consulting SA - Managing Partner

    2006 - 2011
  • K2 Partnering Solutions SAP - Associate Partner

    2002 - 2006 Responsible of opening a new market in France
    Management of consultants in ERP area
    Sales with major international SAP accounts
  • Sharing Knowledge - Business manager

    2001 - 2002 2001/2002 Sharing Knowledge Business manager
    · Responsible with the CEO for the business division
    · Relate to people at very high level of business and management
    · Development of knowledge management operational systems with significant R.O.I.
    · Work closely with three poles of competence consulting, knowledge engineering and the computer engineering with portal development.
    · Our mission: the application of operational solutions of Knowledge Management, adapted to the professional needs for competitive advantage.
    · Project : Expert Process Control with ARCELOR group
    · Project : Bests Practices Knowledge Systems with LAFARGE Group
  • Xerox - Ingénieur d’affaires

    Saint-Denis 1992 - 2001 1999/2001 Ingénieur d’affaires au sein de XEROX France
    - Responsable de la gamme stratégique du groupe.
    - Organisation des flux documentaires.
    - Solutions de Knowledge Management
    - Audit et Consulting auprès des grands comptes ( Collectivités territoriales, Interpol, Organismes de santé, Universités )

    1995/1998 Ingénieur Commercial au sein de XEROX France
    - Responsable de Grands Comptes stratégiques, base LYON
    - Commercialisation de la gamme numérique de Xerox
    - Solutions de G.E.D et de Services sur les comptes stratégiques
    - Finaliste mondial à N.Y (U.S.A.) sur la technologie numérique
    - 1er Commercial région “Rhône Alpes Auvergne”

    1992/1995 Attaché Commercial au sein d’une concession XEROX
    - Responsable du secteur de l’Allier, base VICHY.
    - Commercialisation de la gamme Bureautique de Xerox
    - Gestion des comptes PME, PMI et professions libérales
    - Support pour les vendeurs en produits numériques


Pas de formation renseignée

Annuaire des membres :