


En résumé

Titulaire d'un Bachelor double spécialité Marketing de Luxe et Corporation Finance (Fusion & Acquisition) de l'American Business School Paris, je souhaite faire acte de candidature en idéale pour le poste d'Assistant Marketing ou Assistant Acheteur, ou à défaut des autres opportunités qui pourraient correspondre à mon profil.
À l'issue de mon dernier stage en tant qu'Assistant Responsable E-business Worldwide & CRM chez Lanvin (lettre de recommandation ci-jointe) et après l'obtention de mon diplôme, je suis à la recherche d'un CDI ou à défaut d’un CDD au sein d'une Maison de luxe.
Lors de mes stages au sein des Maisons de luxe telles que Lanvin, Alexander Wang et Burberry, j'ai développé des compétences en analyse de marchés, veilles concurrentielles et relation clientèle qui me permettraient de contribuer à la croissance des performances de votre société.
En plus de mes connaissances linguistiques (Anglais, Français, Vietnamien, Chinois courants et notions d’Espagnol), je pense pouvoir démontrer dans ce type d’activité, mon sens de l’initiative, mon dynamisme, mon aptitude au travail en équipe et mon esprit de rigueur dans les domaines de la mode et du luxe qui m’ont toujours fortement attiré.

Double Spécialités:
Finance: Corporation Finance (Focus: Merger & Acquisition)
Marketing: Marketing de luxe

Mes compétences :
Business Analysis
analyse de marchés
Relations clients
veilles concurrentielles


  • LANVIN - Assistant Responsable E-business

    2013 - 2014
  • ALEXANDER WANG - Operational Marketing and Commercial Assistant (Internship)

    2013 - 2013 - Accumulated data about wholesale clients such as orders, enquiries and SAV
    - Analyzed monthly sale reports of sell-through department stores to gain an understanding about market responses between wholesale department and the company’s direct operating stores, i.e. retail.
    - Analyze the company’s market shares in comparison of competitors’ performances
  • VIETNAM AIRLINE -  Assistant Manager of Marketing - Communication (Stagiaire)

    2012 - 2012 - Analyzed monthly and annual budget report, reconciled monthly expense items, resolved any requests or concerns from domestic and international branches in order to improve and plan for upcoming budget plan
    - Scrutinized monthly business operation process to evaluate strengths/ weaknesses and critical flight paths
    - Arranged logistics for business trips with allocated budget and ensured the purpose of the trips to be accomplished
    - Analyzed the market and set up new promotion strategy accordingly to be aligned with the company monthly campaign
    - Assisted in organizing new campaign or advertisement for new promotions and new flight paths launching
    - Organized social events or philanthropic campaign to promote for the company public image
  • NIKE LLC - Community Research (Internship)

    2011 - 2011 - Accumulated data about community giving done by 8 Nike contracting footwear factories to gain an understanding of corporate giving program in southern Vietnam
    - Discussed the contemporary community campaign and provided suggestions for Company Responsibility Managers (CRMs)
    - Reported to General Manager and other Senior Managers at Nike LLC and recommended a strategy for upcoming Nike community campaign to make a bigger impact
  • BURBERRY - Assistant Store Manager (Internship)

    PARIS 2010 - 2010 -Managed casual employees including coordinating rosters, daily targets, and training them about the products available in the current campaign or the design messages
    -Controlled the merchandising flows in and out of the stores, used SAP to oversee the amount of goods sold and stock in hand and to report back to the headquarter in France and London
    -Assisted Merchandising team to set up concepts and display for new campaigns
    -Took care of special orders or delivery for VIP members
    Result: Increase of net worth of the 3 months by 10%.


  • American Busines School

    Paris 2009 - 2013 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Master 1) - BAC + 4

    Double majors: Corporation Finance (focus : Merger & Acquisition)
    International Luxury Brands Marketing

    Honors and Dean’s List GPA (4.0 Scale) – 3.86


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