Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.
My name is Lynda KOUADIO
Please accept my application for the Communication Associate role advertised in the company’s website.
After reading the job description, I am confident that I would be a perfect fit for this position as my experience and abilities precisely match your requirements.
I had a Master degree in marketing communication, I did my internship at Cassissium in Nuits-Saints George where I collaborate actively in the implementation of a communication plan for the renovation of the museum space and its platform brand in 2011-2012. I successfully completed the following tasks entrusted to me:
• Establishment of a planning and project development;
• Design of the press kit and press conference organization;
• Establishment of a retro planning;
• Management of the museum shop.
I also worked regularly with journalists through public contract and wrote several articles.
Working as Communication Assistant in the US, first with Chanel 2 Chicago, where I participated in the newscast, then with Canal Nabonews Gaithersburg, I exceeded all my targets and simultaneously gained respect from staff and management through effective communication and liaison.
My referees will be happy to discuss my positive attitude and my strong work ethic. Thank you for time. I look forward to discussing my application further at an interview.
Lynda Flora Kouadio
Mes compétences :
Relation presse
relation publique
Microsoft Office, Excel, photoshop,power point
valuable industry experience
System Strategy
Shopping Centres
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Established planning
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign