
Kouakou Giscard NGUESSAN


En résumé

I Meets name N'GUESSAN Giscard , Assistant Internal Auditor At the National Society of moderate income housing ( HLM SN ) Senegal . A graduate of the African Centre for Advanced Studies in Management ( CESAG ) Dakar DESS Option Audit and Controlling, I Wish career in Internal Audit and learn the craft of SO Power Switch Management Controller my skills to the benefit of the entity in June who wants serious and competitive.

Mes compétences :
Auditeur junior
Contrôleur de Gestion junior


  • National Society of Houses to Rent Moderate (SN HLM) Senegal - Assistant Internal Auditor

    2014 - maintenant - to take part in the definition and the installation the charter of internal audit;
    - to take part in the development of the handbook of administrative procedures, financial and countable;
    - to take part to work out it the cartography of the operational risks;
    - to take part to work out it the reports of audit;
    - to have the results of audit engagements interns with the Head office;
    - advisor various operational units of the organization with an aim of assisting them in the control of their tasks;
    -to ensure the regular follow-up of the implementation of the recommendations put forth as well within the framework of audit engagements internal as of audit engagements external.
  • African Centre for Advanced Studies in Management ( CESAG ) - Accounting Assistant

    2013 - 2013 -to ensure the behaviour day labourer of accounting and to make the seizure of the invoices in the newspapers of the WISE Software 100;
    - to take part in the audit the procedure of covering of the school fees of the students;
    - to establish the states of banking bringing together of the accounts;
    - to organize and file the countable and financial files.

  • The Complexe Hotelier KEN'TI - Assistant manager

    2010 - 2012 -to organize with the daily newspaper the work of the Hotel complex,
    - to manage the logistics and the heritage of the complex;
    -to supervise, coordinate the activities of the staff of the hotel;
    - to manage the car fleet;
    -to supervise, coordinate the activities of the Person in charge of Purchases of the Complex.
  • Hôtel Ken'ti - Billing manager

    2008 - 2010 Main activities:

    -to control, rectify and put in invoicing after having planned this one all folders of accommodation seized by the agents of invoicing;
    - to exploit specific instrument panels of the sphere of activity, to draw an analysis from it and to take stock of it, in order to equip with the establishment with a satisfactory cost accounting;
    -to implement and to ensure the follow-up of the invoicing of all folders of accommodation and to manage all the chains of dispute relative to these files;
    - to implement, to follow and control the budgetary framework of the establishment, in collaboration with the internal and external interlocutors.
  • Hôtel Ken'ti - Agent of Invoicing

    2006 - 2008 -to control, rectify and put in invoicing all folders of accommodation;
    -to ensure the follow-up of the invoicing of all folders of accommodation;
    -to manage all the chains of dispute relating to the files of accommodation.


  • African Centre For Advanced Studies In Management ( CESAG ) (Dakar)

    Dakar 2012 - 2013 Specialized Studies Diploma (DESS) option Audit and Management Control.

    Accounting , Controlling , Audit, Financial Diagnosis , Management Companies , Research Methodology , Quantitative Management Method .
  • Université Felix Houphouet Boigny (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2001 - 2006 Maitrise en Sciences de Gestion


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