
Kwenkeu NADEGE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Cost Reduction
Critical thinking
Cost analysis
Results Oriented


  • COTCO (ExxonMobil) - Records Management Administrator

    2011 - maintenant Implementation and promotion of records management principles
    Coordination of the development of a company Records Retention Schedule
    Indexing, filing and storing records through the database ACCUTRACXE
    Monitoring of the security and the accessibility of records which are vitals for company activities
  • COTCO (ExxonMobil) - Accommodation and Catering Coordinator

    2008 - 2011 Provision of accommodation for authorized persons
    Coordinate periodic assessment of catering contractor services, hotels and restaurants
    Coordinate the organization of company events
    Coordinate the execution of catering and housekeeping services contract on pump stations and floating terminal, and all related financial activities through SAP
    Effectively coach, steward and regularly monitor/measure safety performance of the Field Catering Services Contractor
  • COTCO (ExxonMobil) - Account Payables Assistant / GRIR Analyst

    2001 - 2007 Processing of vendors and employees payments through SAP
    Accounts reconciliation
    Administration of vendor master
    Verification of compliance with MIPS (Minimum Invoice Processing Standards) criteria


  • University Of Douala (Douala)

    Douala 1994 - 1997


Annuaire des membres :