2010 - maintenantResearch in the laboratory of tumor and development biology, member of GIGA-CANCER, at the University of Liège. I study of the role of ZO3 during the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and circulating tumor cells generation.
* DNA, RNA and protein handling
* Cell culture : stable transfection (DNA and shRNA), transient transfection (DNA and siRNA), migration assay (wound healing assay, Boyden chambers)
* qPCR, RT-PCR, Western-blotting
* Immunoflurescence stainings
* Immunocytochemistry
* Optical and confocal microscopy
* Laser microdissection
* CTC purification from mice blood
* Flow cytometry
* Scientific report and paper redaction
HEC-Ulg ULG (Liège)
Liège2005 - 2010master en sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques