
Laurent KIDIMA


En résumé

I’m nationally (DRC) recognized in the field of local governance. I had worked for developing Central Africa rural communities with a variety of stakeholders – government, private companies, small-holder farmers, financial institutions, etc. - in institutional development and organizational strengthening (Diagnosis, formulation of a strategy and its implementation, technical assistance to the sectorial partners and evaluation and capitalization) in the community-based natural resources management (Agricultural, Fauna, Floristic, Fisheries, Domestic Energy, Water, Transport, etc.) with relevant focus on policy development, programming, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation and sector reforms; I have been managing projects, designing and implementing Monitoring and Evaluation Systems and conducting project evaluations since 2010.

I spend time educating the community and issues affecting women and safety. I excel at giving educational presentations in a way that is inclusive easily understood and personal. My interpersonal skills are excellent and allow me to reach out to people of all backgrounds. I absolutely love the research aspect of community organizing and am thorough in my approach to developing methods to gain information. I have been commended for my ability to take large portions of information and synthesize them in a way that makes sense and helps to act as a catalyst for change.

I also have experience of donors: USAID, KFW, BMZ, ADB, WB, European Commission, UNESCO, UNICEF as well as excellent written and oral skills in French and good written abilities in English and Portuguese, as well as computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Gis, Ms Project ...). Participatory approaches have always been central to my methodological options. In addition, my activities have often led him to design and develop capacity-building strategies for actors (from public services and the private sector). I’m comfortable on regional grounds where he often stays (DRC, Uganda, Angola, Congo Brazzaville, and South Sudan). Also, seek innovative solutions and negotiate with stakeholders - often divergent and sometimes contradictory - in a difficult synthesis exercise in order to reconcile nature conservation with the basic social needs of the neighboring populations (bush meat, wood Mining resources, non-wood forest products, land, etc.) has developed my spirit of synthesis and my sense of compromise.

I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm.

Mes compétences :
sustainable development
resources management
institutional development
Technical support
Innovative resources Management
territories analysis
team player
spatial analysis
project monitoring
operational planning
institutional support
implementation of the development and management p
implementation of the Community and Development pr
human resources management
financial management
direct supervision
Transboundary management
Supply Chain
Public Health
Protected Area Management
Project Management
Operational management
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Project
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Language skills
Institutional Diagnosis
Geographic Information Systems
Design of projects and programs
Coordination of all community and development acti
Computers skills
Community Based Natural Resource Management
Adobe Acrobat


  • Fauna and Flora International - Community Manager & Department manager

    2013 - 2015 Location Parc National de la Garamba, Province du Haut Uélé, RDC
    Company Fauna and Flora International
    Customer: African Parks Network, Kibali Gold Mining Project (Led by RanGold), Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature

    Funding: Banque mondiale, (Don IDA TF94033), Union Européenne (Projet Partenariats Public-Privé (PPP) Projet `'Appui à la politique nationale de conservation et gestion des forêts et biodiversité (APNCGFB)), Baring & Ellerman Foundation

    Project: Garamba National Park Community Conservation Program
    Position: Community Manager
    * Department manager: management of a team of 8 people (employees), strategic choices, project monitoring, human resources management; ;
    * Coordination of all community and development activities on the 3 hunting areas of 7500 km2 -Azande, Mondo Missa and Logo Ogambi- (Land Use Plan; Education, Information and environmental communication; livelihoods, capacity building and Advocacy and economic development) and contact / inputs with key stakeholders and project partners, including: (i) setting standards and timelines for preparation of work plans and budgets, timely preparation And approval, implementation of the annual work plan and prescribes periodic reviews and reports; (Ii) review of work programs; (Iii) responsible for the format and the draft reporting schedule and thematic action in four domains.
    * Completion of the study on the attraction and incentive factors of migration in mining homes in the hunting area of Gangala na Bodio. Analysis of pressures and threats to wildlife. Analysis of the needs of local and migrant communities.
    * Establishment of the environmental education program (mobile digital cinema, Garamba Nature clubs, school conferences, events, etc.) for actors at different levels (central, province, upper and intermediate levels, civil society);
    * Structuration and support for 10 village organizations in the implementation of programs of action and strategy of the park, including support to enhance self-management of natural resources;
    * Development of partnerships between 8 local NGO; ;
    * Definition of Park visibility/communication plan (press, audiovisual, etc.), validation of the visuals and the material of action; Consultation or information of actors: recommendations and dissemination of information to relevant stakeholders, public or civil society;
    * Work closely with Congolese local partners (government and non-government), local communities, and the private sector to develop strategies for work collaboratively with project staff in other technical areas and writing reports and briefs for analysts and local/state wildlife government, and preparing donors submissions;
    * Collaboration with ICCN, African Parks and FFI HQ to ensure indicators on community engagement are smart, and that collection and analysis of data on CBNRM process is rigorous, making regular field visits to monitor program quality and strengthen community capacity.
  • Pact, Inc. - Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant

    2012 - 2012 Location Kasai Occidental, RDC
    Company Pact, Inc.
    Customer: IMA World
    Funding: DFID
    Project: ASSP
    Position: Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant
    * Evaluation of the participation of beneficiaries in the access and management of public health care in order to identify strategies for capacity building for community mobilization and for each level of the system;
    * Institutional diagnosis of community health participation bodies (Health Area Development Committees (CODESA) and Community Action Committee (CAC));
    * Identification of needs and capacity-building strategies for community mobilization for each level of the system (health area, health zone, health district and provincial division);
    * Establishment and organization of the monitoring and evaluation system of community participation bodies based on the results-based management framework;
    * Establishment of a capitalization system for social mobilization actions.
  • Wildlife Conservation Society - Project Manager & Expert in Community Forestry

    2012 - 2012 Customer: Institut Congolais pour le Conservation de la Nature (ICCN)
    Funding: USAID /CARPE/CBFP
    Project: Land Use Plan Ituri Landscape Project
    Position: Project Manager, Expert in Community Forestry
    Under the direct supervision and guidance of the Ituri Landscape Leader, and in collaboration with relevant WCS units and personnel, the Land Use Plan Project Manager will support implementation of WCS's Land Use strategy and/or delivery of country level work plans with the following duties and responsibilities:
    * Review WCS's existing work on Land-Use and long-term planning methodologies in light of Ituri loncal demands and international trends;
    * Produce a concept paper that helps explain the rationale and significant potential benefits of a specific policy interventions in Ituri context, in achieving green growth, by addressing issues related to agricultural productivity, subsidy reforms, landscape approach, deforestation, restoration of degraded land at provincial sub provincial levels;
    * Based on national trends and realities of emerging economies and their pressures on deforestation and forest degradation, develop an assessment report, with detailed findings, conclusions, and recommendations;
    * Support the development of implementable products and solutions in the Ituri context; for example, management scheme, forestry funds, sustainable value chain management, and so on;
    * Support WCS in identifying bankable projects and programs within partner countries, particularly related to WCS thematic priorities on land use;
    * Contributing to capacity building and knowledge sharing for 3 CBNRM Platforms on Land use sector/sub-sectors;
    * Prepare briefing and communications materials for sharing and support internal briefings and communications about these efforts for WCS staff at National headquarter and around the Congo Basin as appropriate;
    * Supporting multi-stakeholders engagement plan. ;
  • Pact, Inc. - Team Leader

    2010 - 2012 Customer: Wildlife Conservation Society
    Funding: USAID /CARPE/CBFP
    Project: Land Use Plan Ituri Landscape Project
    Position: Team Leader
    * Technical, administrative, financial management and operational planning of project activities;
    * Conducting a detailed territorial diagnosis of 3 forest communities (identification and prioritization of issues), definition of strategic objectives, proposal of action scenarios; Socio-anthropological analysis of women's access to land; Environmental and social audit on the rehabilitation of the Mambasa -Nduye section, Ituri. (Social impact component);
    * Technical support to the Compagnie forestière ENRA-SARL, the elaboration and implementation of the Amendment n ° 01 to the agreement constituting the social clause of the specifications of the contract of forest concession n * 019/11, Bangole Grouping, signed on May 04, 2011
    * Design and management of implementation of the development and management process of the 3 CBNRM zones (Andikau, Bakwanza and Banana) of 972,300 ha (local consultations, forest inventories, studies (land, socio-economic, cartographic, commodity Non-Timber Foresters [NTFPs], ecotourism, etc.) Analysis of the rights and local modes of access, use and control of forest resources at the Lesse (Walese Karo and Walese Desse);
    * Preparation of the forestry service plan of the technical, environmental and social issues related to the opening of rural roads, based on a detailed mapping of the project area (GPS surveys of existing road / village tracks, use of MECNT / WCS data to materialize card cut sales);
    * Preparation of the concept note for a REDD + project focusing on the planting of cocoa under shade and agroforestry based on legumes (on an area of ​​7000 ha) in the Mambasa Territory / A Province of Ituti; the status of the results sought (key indicators) and facilitation of Consortium meetings with key actors in the program, NGO partners and CBNRM (strategy level);
    * M & E: Development of the overall M & E framework and contribution to the finalization of the Program's logical framework, consolidation of indicators and monitoring mechanisms based on the USAID / CBFP / CARPE system.
  • Pact, Inc. - Natural Resources Management Technical Adviser

    2010 - 2010 Customer: Wildlife Conservation Society
    Funding: USAID /CARPE/CBFP
    Project: Land Use Plan Ituri Landscape Project
    Position: Natural Resources Management Technical Adviser
    * Technical support to the development and implementation of community conservation strategies and projects of environmental governance, including (i) associative structuration, (ii) participatory mapping, (iii) development of assessment tools for monitoring, as well as (iv) local strategies for the development and implementation of land use plans;
    * Establishment of a prospective assessment of the situation of 3 CBNRMs (Babila Bakwanza, Babila Babombi and Walese Karo) in the Landscape Ituri, in terms of the organization and the institutional setting up of this service at the Landcape Management team level, leadership;
    * Evaluation of CBNRM process services included: (i) Forms of organization and operation of these management structures of the CBNRM process, as well as the means implemented, with a categorization of these forms: legal and financial regimes, links and margins of maneuvers in relation to state services and Communities - chiefdoms; (ii) The possible involvement of the relevant services at the provincial and national level in past experiences and perspectives; (iii) The current state of private sector involvement in the CBNRM process; (iv) Identification of the needs for institutional support, training and the drafting of specifications approved by the Landscape Leader and the beneficiaries, (v) The resources exploited in the landscape Ituri (timber, wood energy (cooking and brickwork), bushmeat, NTFP, etc.) and (vi) Organizational and institutional support for state services responsible for managing natural resources (land, agriculture, mining and forestry).
  • Pact, Inc. - Community assistant

    2009 - 2009 Date from - Date to CBNRM Lotoi Lokoro, Oshwe, Mai Ndombe Province, DRC
    Customer: WWF
    Project: Reducing the dependence of the communities bordering the Salonga on the exploitation of natural resources

    Position: Community assistant
    * Operational management of the program. ;
    * Mobilization, structuring, training and organization of the 21 Village Forest Management Groups (GGF);
    * Feasibility study of a natural forest management project in the Lokolama Sector, northeast of Mai Ndombe province (769,000 ha), Analysis of traditional social institutions among the Bolombo and Bolendo; Study of domestic and artisanal chains of consumption of bushmeat in the territory of Oshwe;
    * Support to and reinforcement of the capacities of the communities of base / associations using the products the forest in the setting up of pilot operations of promotion of the NTFP sectors (development of Activities Generating the Income [AGR], the Public-Private Partnership [PPP], search for funding mechanisms).
  • Pact, Inc. - Field Technical Assistant

    2009 - 2009 Date from - Date to Tondo, Equateur Province, DRC
    Customer: WWF
    Project: Land Use Plan Lac Télé-Lac Ntumba Landscape Project
    * Structuring, sensitization, training and organization of the 14 Village Committees for Community Management of Natural Resources (CV-CBNRM);
    * Establishment of project technical management procedures: (i) farmer organization (ii) agricultural production (iii) market gardening system, in collaboration with local community media;
    * Support for setting up and managing a database (covering the different organizational, technical, socio-economic aspects, etc.);
  • German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) - Consultant & socio-economic development

    2008 - 2009 Customer: International Commission of the Congo - Ubangi-Sangha Basin
    Funding: Coopération Technique Allemande (GIZ)
    Project: Transboundary management of the waters of the Congo-Oubangui-Sangha Basin
    Position: Consultant socio-economic development, Supervisor of the study on the forms and mutations of harassment on section 3 (Impfondo - Moussaka) of the river corridor Bangui-Brazzaville / Kinshasa

    * Planning, organization and facilitation of exchange meetings and participatory diagnostic sessions between stakeholders involved in the study problem;
    * Collection, processing and analysis of all information and data collected;
    * Synthesis and Presentation of results with recommendations;
    * On the basis of the findings made in the field and the opinions and recommendations of the stakeholders concerned, the Consultant developed the option chosen for the regional anti-harassment observatory, including: (i) Institutional setting for the observatory: Role and positioning of the various actors and in particular the States (Central African Republic, Cameroon, Congo Brazza and DRC), provinces / districts of the States concerned, river and ship transporters, users of river navigation, etc .; (Ii) concrete organizational translation, including the structure (s) to be implemented (type of status, means ...) at the level of each state; (iii) operational structures and their relationship with the CICOS General Secretariat: reports Contractual, financial, control, performance indicators; (Iv) the timetable for the implementation of activities; (V) accompanying measures: training, institutional support ...
  • Network of Farmers' Associations of Soyo - Consultant, institutional development and organizational strengthening expert

    2008 - 2008 Date from - Date to Location Soyo, Provincia do Zaïre, République d'Angola
    Farmers' Associations of Soyo
    Customer: Network of Farmers' Associations of Soyo
    Funding: Sonangol
    Project: NFAS Organizational Development Program
    Position: Consultant, institutional development and organizational strengthening expert
    We accompanied the network to reposition face the multitude concurrent associative structures and similar services offered in the area. To do this, it took the press through interviews, workshops and studies to clarify the offer, ie to identify and differentiate. This positioning strategy was constructed from analysis of markets, customers and competitors. These elements have allowed the development of the organization's business plan 2008-2013. The specifics tasks consisted of:
    * Management of the process of self-assessment of member organizations' performance in terms of local governance (analysis of typologies of service requests, analysis of offers of services, economic and financial analysis, analysis of management capacities, Definition of the type of services provided To promote);
    * Formulation of opportunities for capacity building and contribution to the development of social capital;
    * Facilitating the establishment of a local framework for the exchange of strategic information.
    * Development and extension of the Operational Partnership Guide as a tool to support the construction of the partnership between Soyo's network of agricultural and rural organizations and the micro-financial institutions and the Agricultural Training Centers.
  • Pygma Olgivy - Social marketing campaign Consultant

    2007 - 2008 Company Pygma Olgivy
    Customer: Committee for the reform of public enterprises (COPIREP).
    Funding: World Bank
    Project: Awareness campaign on DRC public enterprise reform
    Position: Social marketing campaign Consultant
    * Communication diagnosis of the 6 public companies involved in the reform process (including the National Electricity Company): diagnosis and strategic planning, communication plan, COPIREP intervention strategies skills development;
    * Monitoring of performance indicators and the impacts of activities against reference values and adapting them if necessary;
    * Coordination, with the Pygma General Management, the implementation of the most appropriate software for monitoring and evaluation;
    * Sensitization of 200 employees on the reform process through trainings and workshops.

    Date from - Date to 01/2006- 12/2007


  • Arua Management Center (Arua, Westnile, Uganda)

    Arua, Westnile, Uganda 2015 - 2015 Community and Livelihood Development Approaches and Tools Certificate
  • Pactworld Institute (Mombasa)

    Mombasa 2011 - 2011 Certificate of Monitoring

    Certificate of Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning Tools,
  • Facultés Catholiques De Kinshasa FCK (Kinshasa)

    Kinshasa 1999 - 2004 Spécialiste en mobilisation et particpation communautaire

    Facultés des Communications Sociales - Les FCK sont véritablement le "Lumen Super Flumen". Nous devons être cette lumière au dessus du fleuve. La lumière de la barque qui éclaire au milieu de la nuit les Congolais embarqués dans leur quête de souveraineté vers un idéal meilleur!


Annuaire des membres :