


En résumé

I am an Agronomist Engineer with emphasis on soil weathering, carbon and nutrient (CNP) cycling. I apply both field and laboratory experimental approaches. In the framework of my doctoral research, I focus on understanding if soil erosion in the eastern part of the Congo Basin is fast enough to reach the less weathered regolith, which contains the minerals with more reactive surfaces to stabilize carbon, while still allowing fast soil weathering and nutrient retention at a high level. As a research assistant in a DFG funded Emmy Noether research group TROPSOC (Tropical Soil Organic Carbon), I conduct my research in eastern Congo Basin. I also received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to carry out my PhD research at Dresden University of Technology in Germany.


  • a German Research - Associate researcher

    2018 - 2019 Foundation (DFG) funded project (TROPSOC, project number 387472333).
  • University of Lubumbashi - Co-supervisor

    2016 - 2017 graduate and undergraduate theses in soil geochemistry and soil biology,
    2016-2017: Assistant Lab technician, Soil Laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Lubumbashi
  • Biogeochemistry and Ecology - Junior researcher

    2016 - 2019 Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Tropical Soil and Ecosystems Unit, University of Lubumbashi.
  • UNILU - Researcher

    2014 - 2015 : Conducting experiments on soil fertility and crop production in the Upper-Katanga region,


  • University Of Lubumbashi (Lubumbashi)

    Lubumbashi 2016 - 2017
  • University Of Lubumbashi (Lubumbashi)

    Lubumbashi 2014 - 2016 Diploma

    DR Congo. Thesis: Origin, concentration and spatial distribution of nutrients in termite mounds in Lubumbashi, DR Congo. Distinction (77, 1%).
  • University Of Lubumbashi (Lubumbashi)

    Lubumbashi 2011 - 2014 Undergraduate in Agricultural Sciences, Congo. Thesis: Characterizing 20 families of maize (Zea mays L.) using hybridization technique. Distinction (73%).
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