My full name is TRAN Le Quang Vinh. Currently, I am a post-doc of CEA/LETI (France) and participate in GREen COmunication (GRECO) project - cooperation of CEA/LETI, INRIA, LEAT and Thales Communications. My researches are focused on energy harvesting system, adaptative cross-layer design for wirless sensor networks and reconfigurable RF system.
I was a Dr of University of Rennes 1, France (2012). My thesis subject is energy-efficient cooperative relay protocols for wireless sensor networks (French Government Grant) (distinction). In this work I considered cross-layer design (PHY and MAC layers) to minimize energy consumption of wireless sensor networks. During my PhD work, I participated in the CoopCom (Cooperative Communication) project organized by IRISA, IETR (INSA Rennes) and Labsticc (Télécom Bretagne).
In 2008, I received Eiffel excellent scholarship to study Master SISEA (Signal, Image, Embedded Systems, Automatic), option of Embedded Systems, of University of Rennes 1. I finished Master course in 2009 with the first rank (1/28) and average note of 17.14/20.
I got engineer diploma in Telecommunications from PFIEV program (Programme de Formation d’Ingénieurs d’Excellence au Vietnam) of Ho Chi Minh Ville Polytechnic University (with mean mark 8.49/10, major of class 1/20) in 2008. In engineer formation, I did an internship in 5 months at Labsticc, Télécom Bretagne, France with the subject title of Algebraic soft-decision decoding of Reed-Solomon codes.
For professional skill, I have been proficiently using Matlab and C/C++. Besides, I can use VHDL/Verilog to programme on FPGA and network simulator tools such as WSIM/WSNET and Omnet++. I also know about Java and HTML.
Regarding teamwork skill, I supervised and managed Master students during my PHD thesis. I'm also a member of wireless sensor network group of CAIRN team, IRISA. Therefore, I gained a strong ability to communicate and discuss with my colleagues. Moreover, I also had experience in recruitment (i.e. recruit Master 2 candidates for CAIRN scholarship 2009-2013).
My research interests are signal processing (e.g. coding, cooperative techniques, Routing, MAC, physical layers, etc.), energy optimization, wireless sensor network applications, energy harvesting, RF system design and FPGA.
Mes compétences :
Microsoft C-SHARP
C Programming Language
Macromedia Dreamweaver