


En résumé

Actuellement en dernière année d'apprentissage de l'Ecole Européenne d'Ingénieur en Génie des Matériaux (EEIGM) de Nancy, je travaille à l'Institut de Recherche Technologique - Matériaux, Métallurgie et Procédés en parallèle.

Alliant matériaux et langues étrangères (anglais, espagnol et bases allemand), je recherche autant des opportunités à l'étranger qu'en France.


  • Lulea Technological University - Internship in Lulea Technological University (LTU), Sweden

    2018 - 2018 Subject: ``In-situ XRD investigation of different phase transformations at elevated temperatures''.
  • Technological University of Wroclaw - Internship at the Technological University of Wroclaw (WrUT) – Poland

    2016 - 2016 Subject: ``Advanced optical spectroscopy of up-converting nanocrystals for medical applications''.
  • IRT-M2P - Apprentie ingénieur

    2016 - maintenant - Surface characterization by GD-OES (Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy) for treated (nitriding and carbonitriding) and non-treated steels:
    ✓ Determination of chemical composition of steels for intern needs and delivery.
    ✓ Search of alternative ways and adaptation for specific experiments.
    ✓ Creation of adapted methods for new samples.

    - Coordinator of a material data base’s installation:
    ✓ Concatenation of the intern needs through different tools.
    ✓ Communication with provider company.
    ✓ Management of locks and difficulties.
    ✓ Planning establishment and review according to the project’s progress.
  • SFA - Marketing representative

    2015 - 2015



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