Wthin more than 25 years of expertise in consulting worldwide, Lionel Alev, as an Engineer in space, defense, finance, public and private sectors, craeting consulting methodologies and activities in EU, SSAfrica and USA, has created ENERGY MIX (EURL) in july 2008 with 3 key activities (Consulting -Training - Coaching), dedicated to the complex transformation and innovation programs and projects, facing the sectorial and crises challenges in Energy, Public Sector, Finance, Health, Industry, Telco, Luxe, and Media sectors, with the following aded value services, for the European member states and the African states, as a freelance :
1- CONSULTING to face the market and crises situations and support complex transformations and changes in Entreprises, States, Governments, with the adapted strategies, Innovations process implementation (from idea to the market) , Industrial policies & sub contracting impacted by the opening market and EU policies, value chains transformations, International business development, Digital and excellence operation strategies, Ballanced Scorecard & large account - prospect business development process, HR, and economic model transformation.
2- TRAINING (National & International) Executive education for Executives, Managers, sales managers, operational forces, on high level key domains as Strategy, Management, Risk, innovation & change management, BSC, HR, Sales strategies including neurosciences
(e.g.Array for the global Training Institut scope).
Trainer with specific certification & agreament (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) & Chambre de Commerce et de l'Industrie de Paris. (Executive MBA, MS...).
3- COACHING (Strategic, Operational & systemic) for Executives, Managers, team facing challanges, and
for individual people mainly in change management & innovation process.
Lionel Alev is also the Partner founder leading the Energy Mix Consulting Network, targeting the European Commission programs which are adressed by the European Economic Interest Grouping gathering experts (Network) and expert companies in the fields of energy (including renewable energies) and sustainable development.
ENERGY MIX Consulting Network (EMCN) is present in :
Energy Mix in France (leader ; Lionel Alev ) Strategic Consulting, Risk Management, Coaching,
EMCN Maycroft in Netherlands
EMCN GmbH i.Gr. in Germany
EMCN SRL Energia, Trasporti, Agricoltura in Italy
EMCN in UK and China
EMCN in Spain.
The EMCN business model, is based on a network of high level production, delivery and quality experts.
We are providing the following "complex business transformation Programs & Projects" services, on a regular basis to our customers classified in public institutions, energy operators and energy consumers for the purpose of presenting the list of services. Some services may concern more than one class of customers.
For the public institutions:
; Consultancy at the European Commission (DGTREN) for the identification, assessment, acquisition and use of the data that are necessary to fulfil the objectives of the EC policy (EMOS: Energy Market Observation System); requirements analysis of the IS allowing to acquire, organise, store and access those strategic data
; Assistance to the EU Commission in its relationships with authorities such as economists, regulators, industries..
Crises & Risk Management,
; Design of corporate dashboards and balanced scorecards
; Risk management consultancy and training
; Implementation of a multi-energy risk framework and organization
; Programme and project management
; Cost benefit analysis and risk analysis
For more Informations please contact +33 6 30 51 13 05 -Array
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