the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Temporary teacher
2017 - 2018
International Publications:
* Lisa Boussaba, Amina Foufa, Said Makhlouf, Gilles Lefebvre, Laurent Royon, Elaboration and properties of a composite bio-based PCM for an application in building envelopes, Construction and Building Materials 185 (2018) 156-165.
* Lisa Boussaba, Said Makhlouf, Amina Foufa, Gilles Lefebvre, Laurent Royon, Vegetable fat: A low- cost bio-based phase change material for thermal energy storage in buildings, Journal of Building Engineering 21 (2019) 222-229.
L. Boussaba, S. Makhlouf, AA. Foufa, Experimentation of a Novel Composite Phase Change Material for Thermal Comfort Improvement and Energy Saving in Buildings. Journal of Building Materials and Structures, 5 (2018) 43-54.
Lisa Boussaba, Said Makhlouf, Amina Foufa, Gilles Lefebvre, Elaboration and Characterization of a Novel Buildings Material Impregnated with an Organic PCM for Thermal Inertia Improvement and Energy Saving, 5ème Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables (CIER– 2017) Proceeding of Engineering and Technology –PET Vol.29 pp.18-23.
International communications :
L. BOUSSABA, A. A. FOUFA, S. MAKHLOUF. Elaboration and Characterization of a New Ecological Composite-PCM for an Application of Thermal Energy Storage in Buildings. International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials (ICCEM'2017) May 11-12th 2017, Morocco.
L. Boussaba, S. Makhlouf, AA. Foufa, Experimentation of a Novel Composite Phase Change Material for Thermal Comfort Improvement and Energy Saving in Buildings. International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development (ISMDD), november 07-08 th 2017, Boumerdes (Algeria).
L. Boussaba, S. Makhlouf, A.A Foufa, G. Lefebvre. Elaboration and Characterization of a Novel Buildings Material Impregnated with an Organic PCM for Thermal Inertia Improvement and Energy Saving, Conférence Internationale sur les Energies Renouvelables (CIER 2017), Décembre 20-22th 2017 Tunisia.
Lisa Boussaba, Said Makhlouf , Amina Abdessemed-Foufa, Gilles Lefebvre, Laurent Royon. Etude Expérimentale d’un Matériau à Changement de Phase Composite pour le Confort Thermique dans le Bâtiment. International Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISyMC), March 19-20th 2018, Boumerdes (Algeria).
First Conference Awards:
L. Boussaba, S. Makhlouf, A.A Foufa, G. Lefebvre. Elaboration and Characterization of a Novel Buildings Material Impregnated with an Organic PCM for Thermal Inertia Improvement and Energy Saving, Conférence Internationale sur les Energies Renouvelables (CIER 2017), 20-22 Décembre 2017 Tunisia.
Recognition as a reviewer of Journal of Building engineering (science Direct):