Fascinated by video games since the 90s, I spent all my childhood and adolescence infront of a computer. There, I developed competence in Community Management that allowed me to learn the ropes within theArray association, which is now top2k Alexa Rank.
I am part of Epitech Montpellier since 2012, and was able to participate in the development of several projects as Tsunamail, Social Bet and Prin System. I also discovered the " Start-up Weekends ", events that convinced me enough to start to organize professionals' interventions at Epitech in the scope of making discover to all the students the dynamics of start-ups.
I am currently working on a project called "Bress" about Healthcare software.
We are realizing this project as a "EIP (Epitech Innovative Project)" for my master's degree.
I do more and more interventions as consultant to help students or professionals on " Social Media Marketing " subjects such as Community Building, Networking or more widely "Social Media".
Currently im contributor toArray and
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Mes compétences :
Social media
Développement logiciel
Community management
Pas d'entreprise renseignée