Dear Madam, Sir,
Currently, located in the warehouse of ADIDAS Wilkes-Barre (USA), I am working as site manager, in intralogistic automatisation, for KNAPP. My jobs is to work with the hand of the Project Manager for completing the contract scope, who’s done by our teams and ours subcontractors until the last hand over (go-live) with the customer.
Before this, I was also site manager in a metal construction field for DL GROUP. I had to manage and coordinate all business progress from R&D Department, build mounting on site, to invoicing.
Also, I used to be a mechanical supervisor at FIVES Group for the construction of the new cement factory : Qatar National Cement Company 5 in Qatar. I was in charge of the proper mounting and well fitting of the mechanical parts on rotary KILN and Cement Mill (conveyor belts, Air slides, Bucket elevators, Ball mills grinding... )
Moreover, I worked on maintenance mission as mechanical supervisor for LafargeHolcim in Erwekoro 2 cement plant close to the south of Nigeria. I completed our shutdown mission until the end. My tasks were to reinforce and supervise Nigerian mechanical workers building and fitting mechanical and steel spares until the end of the shutdown.
I graduated from Alfred Kastler School in France with an Associate Degree in Sheet Metal Design with extensive hands-on knowledge in Computer Aided Design (Autocad, Solidworks), and management. I got a Technical High School Diploma and a Vocational Diploma in Boiler making and metal construction certifying in several skills in R&D, workshops and also construction sites.
I enjoy being challenged and would be proud to work for your respectable company. It would be a win, win situation for both if I was given the opportunity to work with your team on international sites.
I hope my hands-on experiences and practical knowledge from KNAPP in the USA, FivesGroup in Qatar and LafargeHolcim in Nigeria are well suited to the goals of your organization.
Always available for any questions.
Thanking you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office
Coordination de projets
Suivi de chantiers
Pas de contact professionnel