


En résumé

Student at an engineer school with a lot of curiosity and organization skills, now looking for a freelance mission as a web developer or Java programmer.


  • Exerevnites Summer Camp - Web Developer

    2016 - 2016 Website conception and design for a summer camp :
    - Choice of the web hosting solution
    - Website design using Wordpress
    - Camp follow-up with photos and videos
  • Cofidis - Commercial advisor in amicable recovery

    Villeneuve-d'Ascq 2014 - 2016 Student jobs during my studies : Support of a team in personal managementof customers in amicable recovery :
    - Direct link between customers and the company
    - Negotiation, analysis and handling of difficult situations
    - Different goals to reach depending of the needs of the team
    - Adaptation to a complete reshuffle of the computer tool
  • Linköping University - Student Intern

    2014 - 2014 Intern in a research laboratory, studying of the performances provided by an Altera board :
    - Programming of a FPGA, using Matlab or VHDL language
    - Scientific approach of performances of a system
    - Report and presentation of the result in English



Annuaire des membres :