I joined the Air force base as Aircraft maintenance Officer working in a squadron of 12 aircraft, then I move to aircraft maintenance management staff where i was charged to follow the aircraft maintenance program, the periodical cheeks and overhaul operations. I had to follow the spared parts reparations and acquisition process. I was also charged to coordinate the professional training of maintenance technicians. I used to write the monthly, the trimestral and the annual activities reports. I was changed to take part to test flight to reproduce failure and the test flight after overhaul operations of aircraft.
As a technical control staff officer, my main duty was to follow the good use of maintenance program in all the maintenance facilities of the Air Force. I had to take part in periodical inspections in the Air Force Base to verify the good use of the aviation rule. The control was focus on the following fields: The verification of technical personals qualifications, the good practice of continuous training of technicians and the good technical documentation follow up. The maintenance tools were among the main aim of the control since they have to be properly maintained to ensure the good quality of maintenance. We had to verify the quality of workshops and those equipment used during overhaul operations.
The duty of the chef of studies and program division was to make sure that the good maintenance rules are followed successfully in the Ministry of Defense facilities. In this purpose, we used to organize periodical inspections and required frequent reports from all the facilities dealing with heavy equipment. I was charged to address to the foreign partners the technical difficulties in order to have good solutions. I was charged to initiate and follow the technology transfer from foreign partners. Another aim of my action was to study the old equipment’s life cycle limit and propose to my hierarchy the prospection of new equipment to replace the old one.
As Deputy Attaché of Defense my job was based on writing reports relative to Spain military program of cooperation with Cameroon Ministry of Defense. I had to participate to meetings organized at the Ministry of Defense Headquarters. I was also charged to report to my direct hierarchy all the information related to our professional area.
I taught aircraft propulsion, aerodynamics and industrial maintenance to fourth year engineers students in industrial and mechanical department at Polytechnic High school of Engineering after I defended my PH/D in the same institution. I was directing practical work for the same students in Energetic laboratory during my PH/D theses research .I had six hours of teaching per week during six months a year, in four academic years, from 2007 to 2011. It was shown by this researches in Energetic laboratory during my PH/D theses research, that diesel vehicles emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and small particles PPM, are more important than those emitted by vehicles using super and contrary the vehicles using super dioxide of carbon where more important than those emitted by vehicles using diesel.
Mes compétences :
Enseignement universitaire
Auditeur EASA Part 21 J/G , Part 145 et EASA et EA
Defense et Sécurité
Energies Renouvelables et Efficacité Energétique
Coordination de la maintenance Aeronef (MRO)