Self, enthousatic,passionate young professional accountant.
Regional Delegation of Transport for the South West Region of Cameroon
- Senior Support Staff in charge of General Affairs
2014 - 2015Prepare Weekly, Monthly, Annual Report of the Regional Delegation, and submit them for review to the Regional Chief of Service in Charge of General Affairs
Prepare Annual financial Statements for the Region,
Participate and prepare the Minutes of all the Meetings Organised at the level of the Region,being it weekly, monthly or annual meeting
Moderator of the Regional quarterly meetings
Regioanal Delegation of Transport for the south west Region of Cameroon
- Process Facilitator
2010 - 2014Ensure that all the documents for immatriculation of vehicles and Driver licenses process fully comply with the norms of the Ministry of Transport for the Cameroon Government.
Report Directly to the chief of bureau for immatriculation and Driver licenses bureau.