My Name is Mr. Mamadou Bassirou Sarr Agro-economist specialized in Agribusiness.. I am working since February 2006 in SNV Niger (WCA region) as a Advisor Economic Development in the several sub sectors like onion, tiger nut and sesame seed shea butter, cashew nut, Livestock meat and milk, mango, pineapples, etc…..
As Country Focal Point (CFP) in the MAP practice area, I am the lead advisor to conduct and supervise all the strategy national in convergence with the regional and the national interventions.
I am developing my work essentially about enhancing Productivity and competitiveness the framework in Niger, Senegal, Burkina faso, Ghana, around value chains and Private Public partnership (PPP).
From 1997 to 2000, I have stated my experience in the chain value after my awarded in Agro industry processing (Mater of science ) as Senior expert to the Senegalese Institute of Standards – In charge of Quality and Standard’s management committee in the Ago industry committee. I have supervised a seminar in the thematic “introduce the teaching of Quality and Standard in Senegal’s technical and professional schools. I organised and mange several Training sessions for the livelestock of craftsmen specialized in shutter metal’s utilization.
From July 2000 to 2005, I was recruited as a Regional Manager of Project of Promotion of micro-enterprises in rural areas – Senegal – IFAD-PROMER in Senegal around six(6) regions (areas). More than 1,900 such entities had been set up and supported with my own management and technical advices.
The PROMER (Project of Promotion of small micro enterprise) is financed by IFAD. It oriented to strength increase the capacity of the promoter of SME to valorise the local production, and gain incomes in his activities by a funds and training
Mes compétences :
Pas de formation renseignée
Pas de contact professionnel