


En résumé

High experience (11 years) of a large variety of Geotechnical Studies (edification and linear infrastructures), coordination of geotechnical campaigns for linear infrastructures (high velocity trains, motorways, highways, etc...), geomechanical analysis and slope stability. My mid-long terms goals are to lead an investigation department and/or a geotechnical office because of my varied experience in several problems and case studies. At the same time, during my individual enterpreneur experience I have implemented valuable marketing and management skills.

Grande expérience (11 ans) d'une grande variété d'études géotechniques (édification et infrastructures linéaires), la coordination des campagnes de recherche géotechniques pour les infrastructures linéaires (lignes de grande vitesse, autoroutes, routières, etc ..), l'analyse géomécanique et la stabilité des pentes. Mes objectifs à long terme doivent conduire un service des enquêtes et / ou d'un bureau géotechnique en raison de mon expérience variée dans plusieurs problèmes et études. Dans le même temps, au cours de mon expérience travailler à mon compte j'ai mis en place le marketing précieux et des compétences en gestion.

Mes compétences :


  • GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING - Geothecnical Manager

    2009 - maintenant Developing client satisfaction based on high-quality geothecnical services. - Improving skills to interact effectively with customers. - Experience in sales and marketing.
  • TECSOL - Geotechnical Manager

    2009 - 2009 Developing client satisfaction based on high-quality geothecnical services.- Improving skills to interact effectively with customers.- Experience in sales and marketing.
  • GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING - Geothecnical Manager

    2005 - 2009 Developing client satisfaction based on high-quality geothecnical services. - Improving skills to interact effectively with customers. - Experience in sales and marketing.
  • PAYMA - Geothecnical Specialist

    2001 - 2005 - Ability to work closely with other geoscientists and other disciplines. - Coordination and supervision on field campaigns of infrastructure projects. - Oversee geology aspects of slope stability studies in infrastructure projects. - Carrying out subsoil edification studies, pathology edification studies, slope stability studies and tinfrastructure geotechnical studies. - Experience in managing geothecnical computer programmes and computation. - Building cross functional relationships to improve service and overall customer experience.


  • Universidad De Barcelona (Barcelona)

    Barcelona 1996 - 2001


Annuaire des membres :