Mes compétences :
Microsoft Excel
Project finance
Microsoft Office
Microsoft PowerPoint
GANTT Project
Gemini Family group
- Data analyst
Technique | Paris (75000)2021 - 2021
- Associate
Bangalore 2018 - 2019I have 15months of Work Experience in Wipro Limited (Hyderabad,India), I have Worked for the Google Project Waymo(a Self Driving Car Project). In the Span of 15 Months i have got an Opportunity to In Many Roles such as Trainer to the newly Joined Employees, Managed My Team for few Months and Finally Moved to Quality Team. I am Very dedicated in terms of Work and Always doesn't Leave any Opportunity. I always work for Company growth and also for my Personal Growth.
Wipro Technologies
- Senior Associate
hyderabad2017 - 2018J'ai 15 mois d'expérience sur le projet Google waymo. Dans la période de 15 mois, j'ai eu l'occasion de nombreux rôles tels que formateur aux employés nouvellement rejoint, géré mon
équipe pour quelques mois et finalement déplacé à l'équipe de la qualité.