Think about how you've been interacting with your bank, insurance company or maybe how you prepared your holidays (book your flight, go to the airport, and find an accomodation....) 5 years ago. Now think about how you're doing this today.
To stay competitive, companies must stop experimenting with digital and commit to transforming themselves into full digital businesses.
Customer service has expanded past the traditional points of contact, like phone, physical store locations and mail. Customers expect that service engagement will include email, web self-service, web chat, short message service (SMS) and social media
The Key questions enterprises should be asking themselves are:
- Multi-channel Engagement: How many channels can your customer use today for customer service?
-Reporting & Analytics: How consistent and strategic is your understanding of interactions across these channels?
- Business Outcomes and Business Context: How strong is your business understanding of interactions?
- Are you managing by desired business results or simply frontline efficiency metrics?
- Real-time Decision Making: How long does it take for management to make a decision based on captured data?
• I am passionate about customer experience, digital disruption.
• I love challenges, I love solving them
• I love and embrace change
• Giving up is losing by default, I never give up
• If I lose I learn and if I win I share
I am a connected person so don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mes compétences :
E commerce
Service financier
Esprit d'équipe
Crm en saas
Experience client
Relation client