Université de Liège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
- Professeur
2013 - maintenantFull time professor at “Université de Liège - Gembloux Agro Bio Tech” (Gx-ABT) within the Biodiversity and Landscape Unit (with profs. G. Mahy and J. Bogaert).
In charge of the (e)valuation and mapping of ecosystem services for the modelling and design of ecological networks optimizing biodiversity hotspots, ecosystem service providing and more resilient landscapes.
Coordinator of the “Innovation and Creativity team” which aims at stimulating holistic research approaches and multidisciplinary projects between faculty departments and at disseminating new ways to animate research teams and projects.
Publication list : http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/simple-search?query=uid:u216670
- Scientifique
1998 - 2012Project leader of the biodiversity information system (Observatoire de la Faune, de la Flore et des Habitats) in Southern Belgium (SPW/DGARNE) : scientific coordination of biological research and monitoring programs dealing with nature conservation for the Walloon administration. Development of tools such as thestandardised database system to record all biological data (« Data Fauna Flora »), the scientific and field support for species and habitat monitoring (« Inventaire et Surveillance de la Biodiversité », Natura 2000 monitoring protocol and conservation status analyses), the biodiversity hotspots inventory (« Sites de Grand Intérêt Biologique »), the Natura 2000 network design, ecological network concept’s definition (« Structure Ecologique Principale ») and a web portal to disseminate biological information (http://biodiversie.wallonie.be).
Author and co-authors of large scale biodiversity restoration projects in the Ardennes demonstrating that coordinated field actions and local actors involvement can restore landscape structure and functions (6 LIFE projects co-funded by EU, total budget > 25 million €, > 2.500 ha restored, four of the six projects have been elected « Best LIFE-Nature Projects » by European Commission).