


En résumé

Mes compétences :
VBA Visual Basic
Power point


  • Valeo - Site management controller

    Paris 2015 - maintenant Cliquez pour modifier la description du poste- Monthly Closing with elaboration of the P&L ( 45M€ yearly turnover ) - Site based at Nevers, France

    - Supervision of all costs analysis and industrial activity
    - Implementation and maintenance of the cost control system and cost reporting
    - Key support for industrial teams and board of directors for industrial action plans
    - Budget, Mid Term Plan and Forecast elaboration
    - Analysis of the margin per platform
    - Special focus on Sales - Costing - SPI - Costing - Inventory
    - Improvement of the reporting system with creation of reporting files adapted to SAP V4
    - Internal Control Campaign supervisor
  • Valeo - V.I.E. Management control

    Paris 2013 - 2015 Valeo is an independent industrial Group fully focused on the design, production and sale of components, integrated systems and modules for cars. The Group has 125 plants, 21 R&D centers, 40 Development centers, 10 distribution platforms and employs around 73 000 people in 27 countries worldwide.

    Controlling mission ( VIE Veszprèm - Hungary )
    • Sales Controller (Annual turnover 120 M€) + Selling price index analysis
    • Forecast,Budget,Business Plan construction (P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statements)
    • Controlling: Material consumption, Administrative costs, Group recharges, Freight, Inventory,
    • Support to the accounting department (18 full accounting closings) + Interco reconciliation
    • Overdues follow-up.

    • SAP (FICO Module)
    • SAP Business Objects
    • GPS
  • Valéo SC2N - Stage contrôle de gestion

    2013 - 2013
  • Laboratoire Effinov nutrition - Stage contrôle de gestion

    2012 - 2012 Mise en place d'une gestion des stocks
    Élaboration de tableau de bord sous Excel
    Divers travaux comptables
  • Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Morbihan - Stage Comptabilité

    ROCHEFORT 2011 - 2011 Gestion de trésorerie
    Gestion des dossiers et réclamations clients
    Examen des immobilisations pour l’élaboration du bilan
  • Poulain et fils traiteur - Serveuse

    2009 - 2013 - service en événementiel: coktail, repas
    - responsable d'équipe
  • Musée Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal - Stage Comptabilité

    2009 - 2009 Tenue du Grand Journal
    Mise à jour des rapports
    Etudes des comptes bancaires



Annuaire des membres :