Liste des Publications :
1/ Boudil A., Skhiri L., Candeias S., Pasqualetto V., Legrand A., Bedora-Faure M., Gautreau Rolland L., Rocha B., Ezine S. Single-cell analysis of thymocyte differentiation: identification of transcription factor interactions and a major stochastic component in αβ-lineage commitment. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 1;8(10):e73098. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073098. eCollection 2013.
2/ Carlier J.P., Bedora-Faure M., K'ouas G., Alauzet C., Mory F. Proposal to unify Clostridium orbiscindens Winter et al. 1991 and Eubacterium plautii (Seguin 1928) Hofstad and Aasjord 1982 with description of Flavonifractor plautii gen. nov., comb. nov. and reassignment of Bacteroides capillosus to Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus gen. nov., comb. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2009 Aug; DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.016725-0
3/ Carlier, J. P. & Bedora-Faure, M. (2007). Caractérisation phénotypique et génotypique de différentes bactéries anaérobies thermophiles isolées de produits alimentaires. Bulletin de la Société Française de Microbiologie 22, 38-43.
4/ Stepanovic S, Vukovic D, Bedora-Faure M, K'ouas G, Djukic S, Svabic-Vlahovic M, Carlier JP. Surgical wound infection associated with Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus-like organism.
Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2007 Feb;57(2):217-9. Epub 2006 Sep 20.
5/ Carlier JP, Bedora-Faure M. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of some Moorella sp. strains isolated from canned foods. Syst Appl Microbiol. 2006 Nov;29(7):581-8. Epub 2006 Feb 2.
6/ Carlier, J. P., Manich, M., K'Ouas, G., Bedora-Faure, M. & Popoff, M. R. (2006). Point sur une maladie oubliée: le syndrome de Lemierre. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire 18, 127-128.
7/ Carlier JP, Bonne I, Bedora-Faure M. Isolation from canned foods of a novel Thermoanaerobacter species phylogenetically related to Thermoanaerobacter mathranii (Larsen 1997): emendation of the species description and proposal of Thermoanaerobacter mathranii subsp. Alimentarius subsp. Nov. Anaerobe. 2006 Jun;12(3):153-9. Epub 2006 May 15.
8/ Carlier, J. P., Bedora, M., K'Ouas, G., Manich, M., Poulain, B. & Popoff, M. R. (2004). Botulisme et tétanos: situation épidémiologique en France et approche thérapeutiques. In Envenimations, intoxinations, Rencontres en toxinologie. Edited by F. Goudey-Perrière, E. Benoit, S. Puiseux-Dao, and C. Bon: Lavoisier, Paris.
Liste des publications en cours :
1/ Skhiri L., Boudil A., Bedora-Faure M., Meunier S., Megret J., Tanchot C. Ezine S. Long-term Notch1/DL4 signaling maintains Bcl11b expression on differentiating NK cells: identification of a thymus-dependent pathway.
Liste des posters :
1/ 7-11 Octobre 2013 : EMBO conferences, The DNA damage response in cell physiology and disease, Cape Sounio, Grèce.
Functionally redundant factor(s) compensate for both RAG2 and ATM defects during V(D)J recombiantion. Chloé Lescale, Marie Bedora-Faure, David B. Roth and Ludovic Deriano.
2/ 21-24 Mai 2011 : EUThyme-Rolduc Meeting, Amsterdam, Hollande.
Long-term Notch-signaling maintains and amplifies T/NK progenitors. Lamia Skhiri, Marie Bedora-Faure, Amine Boudil and Sophie Ezine.