


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Sens du contact


  • Fédération Française de Tennis - Project Coordinator

    Paris 2012 - maintenant Davis Cup and Fed Cup :
    Accreditation project coordinator:
    - Elaboration of accreditation folder.
    - Management of the different access control.
    - Etablishment of an accreditation digital plateform.

    Roland Garros and BNP Paribas Masters :
    Coordination and sport relation for both tournaments :
    - Preparation of accreditation records : players, agents, manufacturers, partners, providers…
    - Players relation : invitations, practice, prize money and transportation service.
    - Liaising accross all the FFT Referents
  • Lacoste S.A - Sponsoring

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Sponsoring department :
    - Promotion between brand and players of golf and tennis.
    - Presentation of brand visibility on tounaments, benchmark outfits players, producing ranking of the new players.
  • France Télévisions Publicité - Sales assistant

    PARIS 2009 - 2009 Advertising sales:
    - Writing business proposals,
    - Meeting clients and different television channels.
    - Realisation of books for ad agencies.
  • Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O) - Promotion of brand

    2007 - 2007 Media and Partners:
    - Communication with sponsoring partners at the Alstom Open de France
    de golf.
    - Prospecting the sponsors on the Tour de France.
    - Preparation of the Dakar (VIP invitations, Press Relations).



Annuaire des membres :