CAMPINAS,,,am a career artist; studied painting at Museum of Modern Art Rio de Janeiro 1966 with Ivan Serpa;graduated from RJ School of Art and Design ESDI, 1972;
... did graduate studies in Ergonomics at London University and studies in Painting and Drawing at Chelsea Westminster Institute; helped to form the Brazilian Contemporary Arts Trust in London, 1980, now BCA, and have been holding mixed and solo exhibitions in UK, EU, US and Brazil e.g. Christie's 'Images of Paradise' exhibition selected by appointed jurors and solo at London's ICA ...
... guest lecturer-artist at Dept Architecture, Taubaté University, SP State, Brazil; current participant in PinturaForaDaPintura art group ( ) with exhibition, lectures and discussions ....
.....have done curatorships, e.g. , Brazilian Contemporay Arts Trust, UK, MuBE, Brazilian Museum for Sculpture; Art Gallery at University of Taubaté, exhibitions at the University of Campinas , SP, Brazil, and volunteer work in small organisations and schools; work also as a communication English/Portuguese tutor and advisor.
Mes compétences :
Arts plastiques
Pas d'entreprise renseignée
Pas de contact professionnel