


En résumé


I'm looking for a sales job in London.

I have 6 months of sales experience in Australia.

Mes compétences :
Recrutement IT
Traduction anglais français


  • VMG Global - Saffron - Commercial

    2013 - 2014 Marketing direct - Vente d'abonnements mensuels à des particuliers

    VMG Global est un leader spécialisé en marketing direct qui travaille avec les plus grands dans le secteur charité (WWF, HRI, Starlight)
    J'ai travaillé en indépendant pour le compte de VMG Global qui fait parti du groupe APPCO.

    - J'ai signé entre 12 et 26 contrats par semaine (jusqu'à 47 000 dollars de bénéfice pour la charité Heart Research Institute en une semaine)
    - J'ai été numéro un travailleur indépendant pour la division charité dans le pays en mai 2014 sur environ 300 personnes
    - J'ai eu le plaisir de manager ma propre équipe et de les aider à progresser en vente

    VMG Global is a leading specialist in direct marketing, representing numerous national and multinational companies, including some of the biggest names in the charity sectors. I worked as an independent contractor for VMG Global, part of the Appco group;

    Charity Sector
    I represented charities such as Heart Research Institute, WWF and the Starlight foundation.
    - I signed 12 up to 26 donors a week, raising in the region of $47,000 for the respective charities in 1 particular week
    - I was the number one Independent Contractor for the charity division in the country in May 2014
    - I managed my own team and trained them to enhance their performance

    - Sales
    - Approaching people
    - Objection handling
    - Training
    - Closing sales for charity subscriptions
    - Confident, Professional, Positive attitude

  • Sogeti France (Capgemini) - Chargée de recrutement

    2011 - 2013 Recrutement
    - Sourcing , préqualifiquations téléphoniques
    - Entretiens de recrutement

    Administration du personnel : Convocation réunion DP et CHSCT, contrats de travail, réponse de courriers...
    Organisation évènementielle RH de : soirée de recrutement, journée portes ouvertes, déjeuners d’intégration, journée plein emploi ...

    Capgemini is one of the world leaders in consulting, IT services and outsourcing.
    125 000 employers in the world, in 40 countries, global sales of 10.1 billion euros in 2013

    - Recruitment : responsible for the whole recruitment process
     Analyze the needs, Sourcing and publication adverts, Job interviews
     Contributed to handicap event; helped handicapped people find work.
    - Liaison for partner company in India, (part of the sourcing process was done in India)
    - Participated to recruitment events, networked (APEC, Pôle Emploi, school event, Forum ADAPT…)
    - In charge of organizing events (Schools forums, Integration breakfasts, Night recruitment and open days etc…)

    - Staff management :
     Produced contracts and integrated candidates within the company,
     Organized welcoming breakfast
     Participated to later stage of careers interviews
  • AURAL (5 mois) - Assistante Ressources Humaines

    2010 - 2010 Paie (300 salariés) : saisie des éléments variables, absences entrées/sorties, STC, pointage des paies et rectifications
    Administration du Personnel (300 salariés) : intégration des salariés, contrats
    Recrutement (ASH et IDE)
    Mission professionnelle : Mise en place du plan senior 2010

    AURAL is a not for profit organization providing artificial kidney care and treatment for kidney failure, 300 employers

    - Created administration documents for employers and involved in organizing payroll
    - Handled employers induction process
    - Created contracts


  • IGS (Lyon)

    Lyon 2009 - 2012 Master Professionnel II Responsable en Management et en Direction des Ressources Humaines

    Master degree in Human Ressources
Annuaire des membres :