
Marion HUTER


En résumé

Take a look at my Trello Resume:

Mes compétences :
Veille concurrentielle
Email marketing
Microsoft Excel
Spécifications fonctionnelles
Marketing multicanal
Gestion de projet
Applications mobiles
Mobile marketing


  • Ocito - Project Manager

    2014 - maintenant Solely responsible for SMS campaign management and financially critical processes indirectly linked to up to half of company’s turnover: drafting proposals, monitoring of direct SMS mailings, monitoring client accounts, benchmarking and reporting

    Key team member on Mobile Applications Projects, responsible for drawing up detailed functional specifications, creating storyboards and mock-ups, working closely with UX/UI designers and running functional tests
  • 1000mercis - Online Marketing Assistant

    Paris 2014 - 2014 Internship reporting to Head of Marketing, responsible for the monitoring of eCRM campaigns (tactical and triggered emails) and data collection operations (promotional games, data collection forms): design, development and targeting briefs, affiliation and reporting
  • JWT Paris - Brand Manager Assistant

    BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT 2013 - 2013 Internship assisting Brand Manager in creating multimedia advertising campaigns: developing strategies, designing briefs, creating storyboards, drawing up functional specifications, analysing focus group studies, working closely with media broadcasting agencies and brands’ franchises
  • MyTwatch - Digital Project Manager

    2012 - 2012 Internship reporting to company director, responsible for increasing website traffic and rankings using SEO and paid search, training the automatic tweets analysis software, exhibition support for start-up trade fair presentation


  • Universidad Autónoma De Madrid U.A.M (Madrid)

    Madrid 2012 - 2013 Master 1
  • ESSCA (Ecole Superieure Des Sciences Commerciales D'Angers)

    Angers 2009 - 2014 Master

    Internet et stratégie, Technologies du web, Etudes et internet, Communiquer et vendre sur le web, eCRM.

    Rédaction d'un mémoire de recherche ayant pour thème "L'influence du ciblage comportemental et du retargeting sur le comportement des consommateurs"


Annuaire des membres :