
Marouen AYARI


En résumé

I am a clinical psychologist. I have 15 years in the correctionel service of prison in Tunisia. I have a diploma from training trainers in the domain of Human Resource Specific To Developed Competence Of Employers In Institution. I have an experience 2 years in the ONU in r enforcement of capacite.


  • Mission de stabilisation d Haiti - Organisation international nations unies

    2015 - 2017 Renforcement few capacities agents et cadres penitentiaires
  • Ministere de la justice - Chef service a la direction general prison

    Paris 2003 - maintenant Chef service De reeducation et formateur
  • DIRECTION GENERAL DES PRISONS Tunisie - Chef service rehabilitation

    2003 - maintenant


Pas de formation renseignée


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :