Diplomas : CPL–IR MCC OACI FCL 1.028 LEVEL 4 “ATPL & A-320 type rating”
languages fluent English stays in the USA
School level Spanish stays in Spain
Licences & ratings Extention A320 license, AIR FRANCE 2012
Extention A320 license, AIR FRANCE 2011
Extention A320 license, AIR FRANCE 2010
A320 Type Rating, AIR FRANCE 2009
M.C.C, Airlec Air espace 2004
Twin-engined training , Trimaille Aéroformation 2002
Professional Pilot, Expair 2001
DA, TOP, FH, QRI, English proficiency diploma 1999-2002
Written airline pilot’s licence 1999
Aerobatiscs rating cycle I 1998
Flying hours logged 600 hours
• 130 h 00 IFR
• 50 h aerobatics
Number of hours logged in IFR simulator environment: 134H00
Safety pilot Citation Jet C525 : 100H
Formations Language school Wall Street Institute, Paris 1991
Architect training E.B.T.P, Vincennes 1989
Bac B 1988
Professional Experience
: ramp agent & flight coordinator
Signature Flight Support Le Bourget Since 2006
International tennis tournament : 2001-2006
• Roland Garros Bercy
• BNP Paribas Bercy
• Coupe Davis
Interface between players & media
Disk Jokey & music publisher 1991-2005
Hobbies Tennis, Cinema, Data processing, (Excel, Word)
Mes compétences :
Professional Experience
Pas de formation renseignée