Mes compétences :
monitoring of corals and other fauna
data analysis
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Geographic Information Systems
Coastal Zone Management
Bird Life Malta
- Field Research Assistant
2012 - 2012Field Research Assistant on European Seabird At Sea surveys for a period of six month. Monitoring of populations of Yelkouan and Cory's shearwaters and Storm petrels.
Bird Life Malta
- Research Assistant
2012 - 2012Involved on a European Life project around the maltese islands, looking at the dispersal of sea birds in order to development the boundaries of the future MPA. Job involved bird monitoring and identification at sea (70% of the time), from the sky (airplane radio tracking) and land observations (tagging and ringing).
Centro ricerca cetacei
- Intern
2009 - 2009Internship on the monitoring of the Mediterranean population of great dolphin, Tursiop truncatus, (individuals association and geographical correlations). ;
Office Environnement Corse
- Intern
2008 - 2008Work with the local research team on the importance of the management of the environment in the Marine Protected Area of the Mediterranean Sea. (Monitoring of sea bird populations, invasive species, and also bottlenose dolphin resident populations).
Currently in the final stage of my PhD (submission of the thesis). I'm looking for an oppportunity to start a career in Marine Biology. I'm ready to move worldwide.
University Of Southampton (Southampton)
Southampton2012 - maintenantDoctor of Philosophy
My thesis topic was on the "Impacts of anthropogenic sound on fish". I looked at hearing capabilites of two sensitive fish species, the European eel and the River lamprey. The goal of the study was to understand the impacts of anthropogenic sounds on these species but also to develop acoustic mitigation to reduce their mortality during their mitigration when approaching man made structures (hydrop
Queen Mary , University Of London (London)
London2010 - 2011Masters
Graduated from a Masters in Marine Biology entitled Marine Ecology and Ecosystem Management, undertaken at Queen Mary University of London.
Linköping Universitet (Linköping)
Linköping2009 - 2010Masters
Graduated from a Masters in Animal Behavior entitled Applied Ethology and Animal Behavior obtained at the Linköping Universitet (Sweden). (