


En résumé

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  • Cliniques universitaires St-Luc - Chef de projet IT

    2018 - maintenant
  • Backpackers around the world ... - Traveller

    2010 - 2011 10 months of traveling around the world with my wife.

  • Head Engineer in Radiotherapy at Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc, UCL - Responsable

    2009 - maintenant
  • Cliniques Universitaires St-Luc - Ingénieur

    2003 - maintenant Technical Engineer in the Radiotherapy Department at “Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc” (October 2003).
    Technical team management (4 people) in the Radiotherapy Department (March 2009).
    Radioprotection certified.

    Linear accelerator management: installation, maintenance, repairs, quality checks, ... Computer network management (Windows, Linux, Dicom RT protocole, Clustering).
    Contact with companies as well from a technical and a commercial point of view.

    Management of different projects:
    - Tomotherapy (Hi-Art & HD) installation in the Radiotherapy Department
    - Development and installation of a new satellite center in Ottignies linked with St-Luc
    - CT-Scan installation in the Radiotherapy Department
    - Rebuilding of all the Radiotherapy Department
    - Different research projects

    Development and configuration of “Intranet Radiotherapy”: a web-based tool for organisation and management in a radiotherapy department (I did some publications and presentations on this subject).
    Founder and developer of the Open Source project iTherapy Process (iTP). A patient workflow management system:

    Took part of the research project GISELE (2007-2010, Région Wallonne – Wist2) (Gestion d'Itinéraires de Soins guidés par modELE) on clinical pathways.
    Management Thesis.

    HAM radio licence since 1996 (ON4LCW).


  • ECAM (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 1999 - 2003 Electricité - option électronique


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