


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Anglais au téléphone
Réalisation d’opération d'import export
Lancement de produit
Organisation salons internationaux
Très bon niveau d'anglais
Microsoft Excel + Powerpoint + Word + Indesign + W
Développement commercial
Réponse aux appels d'offres
Business development


  • Airbnb - Sales Advisor

    Paris 2016 - maintenant Making outbound calls to increase rental vacation and urban inventory in the European market.

    Ensure achievement of weekly/monthly targets by undertaking and responding to a high volume of sales calls.

    Maintain a high standard of quality customer experience whilst using sales techniques to maximise opportunities.

    Deliver excellence in customer service in an efficient, professional and courteous manner at all times.
  • SEIFEL - Sales Area Manager / Chef de Zone Export

    2016 - 2016 OFF Grid / ON Grid solar applications.

    "Custom Design Solutions"

    Company specialized in the industry of energy and telecommunications networks B2B. International development for Off-grid / On-Grid solar applications. Reply to international request for proposal. Realization of commercial offers, customer follow-up, prospection.
    Participation to the largest European solar exhibition INTERSOLAR in Munich.
  • IMEON ENERGY - International Business Development (End of studies internship)

    2015 - 2015 International company specialized in renewable energy: End-of-studies internship

    Prospection, competition analysis, international customer’s follow-up (phone/mail). Export department, marketing development (communication / social media / official website), products launches, export transportation follow-up.
    organization of international exhibitions: INTERSOLAR (DE) / THE SOLAR SHOW AFRICA (ZA)
  • SEIMI international - Internship, International purchase Department

    2012 - 2012 Internship / SEIMI Brest: Implementation and follow-up of international purchases.

    Import-export Company specialized in maritime equipment:
    Prospection, phoning, mailing, follow-up of international customers and suppliers.

    Create invoices, mailing, product reception, transaction of financial and material flows, analyze of different forwarder’s offers, stock management, imports from L.A (20000$).
  • BOWA International MIAMI - Responsible of prospection

    2011 - 2011 BOWA international (Florida/ USA): Responsible for prospection in the area of Miami.

    Company specialized in the organization of professional seminar, SME support and development: Internship (3 months).

    Flyers distributions, prospection (phoning, mailing newsletters), creation, distribution of flyers in the area.

    Seminar, and business event participation.


  • Waterford Institute Of Technology WIT (Waterford)

    Waterford 2014 - 2015 International negotiation

    International operation management

    International economic environment

    International negociation
  • France Business School ESC Bretagne Brest

    Brest 2013 - 2015 Master International Business (MIB)

    Programme grande école (Brest Business School (FR) + WIT (IR) International Negotiation

    -Approach to foreign market

    -Strategy and company export development

    -International Law envinronment
  • University Of Glamorgan (Cardiff)

    Cardiff 2012 - 2013 Bachelor of Arts marketing

    -Strategy and change
    -Global business
    -Marketing public relation
    -Emerging themes in marketing
    -Place marketing and branding
    -Regional development and entrepreneurship

    Saint-Pol-De-Léon 2010 - 2012 BTS Commerce international

    Study and Business Intelligence
    Import Export
    Specialization : English Negociation
  • Lycée De L'Iroise

    Brest 2006 - 2009 Baccalaureate Degree (ES)


Annuaire des membres :