


En résumé

Graduate with a background in statistics, econometrics and particle filters, and highly computer literate. Possessing a wide knowledge base together with organisational and team working skills. Candidate for position requiring initiative, and analytical, enquiring mind, clear logical thought and the ability to carry out practical experiments.

Mes compétences :
Signal Processing
Modélisation numérique
Analyse de risque


  • Thales Nederland - Algorithm Design Engineer

    Courbevoie 2013 - maintenant My research interests include Bayesian statistics, stochastic signal processing and nonlinear estimation theory. My professional interests are in developing affordable advanced algorithms for sensor data processing, applying modern multi-target stochastic detection, estimation,
    classification, information and control theory.
  • Thales Nederland B.V. - Marie Curie fellow

    Courbevoie 2010 - 2013 My research interests are in the area of Sensor data fusion and Modelling and especially the application and extension of model-based integrated processing by means of particle filtering in a radar context.
    Integrated information extraction
    Supervisor: DRIESSEN Hans
    Description: Optimal schemes for appropriately exploiting all the available information are currently not available. In principle particle filters allow for optimal solutions once the modelling has been performed. Therefore, correct modelling and an efficient particle filter implementation will be necessary in order to be able to exploit all the available information.
  • AIIR - Étudiante INSA rennes

    2005 - 2010


  • Universiteit Twente (Enschede)

    Enschede 2010 - 2013 Degree of Doctor awarded "Cum Laude"

    – Thesis subject: Random Finite Sets in Multi-target Tracking Efficient SMCMC implementation
    – Supervisor: Arun Bagchi
    – Co-supervisors: Hans Driessen, Pranab Mandal
    MC IMPULSE https://mcimpulse.isy.liu.se/?page=home
  • Université Rennes 1

    Rennes 2009 - 2010 Speciality: Data-processing, forecasts and markets

    Master 2 de recherche


Annuaire des membres :