I have now 10 years of experience in project management in Market Research. I've worked for many clients from different industries and markets, from FMCG to tourism, automotive and baby/kid related products, in France and abroad.
All these experiences have conducted me to work on different research methodologies & approaches, data collection, specific statistical analysis, from different levels of complexity. My seniority allows me to manage in autonomy all steps of a survey, from project briefing and methodology design to survey results presentation, recommendations.
My mission is to get my clients to the most meaningful insights and high level of accompaniment in their projects by working closely, understanding their business and marketing objectives, sourcing data so as to advise for a customized survey. This also means adapting support of deliverables to clients today needs which aim to get operational insights, sharable and understandable by different levels of decision makers.
I've been evolving in an international work environment which I like very much.
It's very exciting to meet clients from different cultures, to share experiences, respective market knowledge, to analyse various consumers behaviors and to investigate different markets.
I like very much diversity and challenges ;-).
Here are a view of my methodological portfolio:
-- > Project management in both Quantitative & Qualitative fields (either online or offline)
-- > Survey methodology: mainly Ad hoc but also Tracking
* Concept screening, CUT, Taste Test, Sniff Test, Packaging/Shape Test, Product Mix, Post launch
* Brand equity, positioning
* Pre & post test communication
* U&A, Path to purchase
* Shopper
-- > Statistical analysis: Variance, AFC, Segmentation/Typology, Trade-Off, Preference mapping
-- > Other analysis: Price sensitivity measurement, Satisfaction mapping, SWOT matrix, creation of indicators, data base & benchmark
Mes compétences :
Building relationship
Marketing consultancy
Flexibility & Responsiveness
Spss, Sphinx
Research methodology expert
Consumer goods
Project management
Family, MOBs, Kids
Marketing research
Problem solving
Demanding nature
Intellectually curious
Data analysis
Qualitative & Quantitatives research
International coordination
Fluent english