I am MESCHAC MONSIA young leader and African contractor.
Technical Director of the NGO GABON ECOLOGIE, Director of Program Monitoring and Project Evaluation of the Association for a Progressive African Youth section GABON, I have been engaged for several years in the protection of the environment, in the promotion Of the ODDs and in the Eco-responsible management. In addition, general administrator of ELIORA GROUP, I am a passionate actor of ICT and committed to the reduction of the digital divide by combining computer engineering and sustainable development.
Laureate in 2015 in Brazzaville and climate ambassador of the contest AFRICA GREEN CHALLENGE I fight for zero plastic waste and the recovery of organic waste.
Passionate about environment at the base and Tics in general, I saw myself early defending the interest of all.
Through my NGOs, it is participation in building the capacity of young people and women in the country in terms of sustainable development, these are forums and positions and recommendations on problems related to food self-sufficiency in our country. Gabon to improve productivity, it is also the contribution of technological innovation on the construction project of our agro-ecological village.
My contribution on the ground is today to bring me closer to the populations and to provide them with instructions and recommendations related to environmental protection.
Engaged in youth leadership, I am one of its young people who think that nothing brought to the people would lead to perdition.
Mes compétences :
Community management
Développement durable
Gestion de projet
Développement commercial