


En résumé

PhD in chemistry : specialized in analytical chemistry

i was PhD student at the Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry and systems interactions (eg LDSM2) Dr. Emmanuelle Leize Wagner of the University of Strasbourg.

specialist in development and use of coupling between capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (CE-MALDI-MS / ESI) to characterize biomolecules

Formed in proteomics strategy by MS
Formed in mass spectrometry MALDI and ESI
Formed in analytical techniques

my carrer :

While technician Bel Air CHR Metz-Thionville Hospital, I went back to school and graduated from MASTER 2 (2008). and my PhD in 2014

Biomedical Laboratory Technician specializing in physico-chemical analysis methods in pharmacological and toxicological sector:(11 years)

- Quantification of retinol and tocopherol, théophylline / cafein, Isoniazid, benzodiazepin, antiepileptics, ISRS and antiretroviral drugs, in human plasma by HPLC-UV/DAD
- Quantification of catecholamins and metanephrins in plasma and urines, by HPLC-EC
- Quantification of solvant and alcohol by GC-FID
- Quantification of Meprobamate by GC FID
- Research and quantification of drugs and narcotics in human liquid by GC-MS
- Quantification of Cyanides in plasma
- Quantification of CDT in plasma by CE-UV
- Quantificaion of anions and cations in water by CE-UV
- quantification of phenylalanin in plasma by CE-UV
- Quantification of anticonvulsivant by CE-UV

component University

Specializes in the development and use of coupling CE-MS (MALDI / ESI)

Professional component

Formed research and pharmacological and toxicological assays
Formed assessments of all types analytical methods
Formed the analysis and presentation of results
Formed coaching
Formed chemical risks
Trained in norme15189
Trained in internal audits
Formed to document management

I am interested in a biological engineer position in laboratory or join a team of research and development (academic and or private).

Mes compétences :
Chromatographie liquide
Chromatographie gazeuse
Electrophorèse capillaire
Laboratoire d'Analyses et de Biologie Médical
Spectrométrie de masse
Contrôle qualité
Sciences analytiques
Biologie moléculaire
Biologie cellulaire


  • CHU Nancy - Ingénieur Biologiste

    Nancy 2015 - maintenant
  • Laboratoire dynamique et de structure moléculaire par spectrometrie de masse ... Strasbourg - Docteur en Chimie Analytiques et Spectrométrie de Masse

    2014 - maintenant Doctorant
  • Centre hospitalier régional Metz-THionville - Technicien en analyses biomédicales

    2001 - maintenant


  • Universtité DE STRASBOURG

    Strasbourg 2009 - 2014 Doctorat de chimie

    chimie - protéomique , electrophorèse capillaire couplée à la spectrométrie de masse
  • Université De Strasbourg

    Strasbourg 2007 - 2008 Master II aspects analytiques appliquéees aux biotechnologies et a l'environnement

    diplomé Mention BIEN
  • CNAM

    Nancy 2003 - 2005 génie chimique
  • Institut De Formation De Techniciens En Analyses Biomédicales (Metz)

    Metz 1997 - 2000 Diplome d'état de technicien en analyses biomédicales (DETAB)

    analyses biomédicales


Annuaire des membres :