Systar SA
- Chief Science Officer
2011 - maintenant
Design, develop and maintain an Auto-Adaptive system (AAS) to give life to an artificial seller. This AAS is a goal oriented organizational memory in the Cloud called MemNet. A generic crawler is included in this project. The MemNet allows us to understand a search context and dynamically create a specific guidance and breadcrumbs: to find specifically what you search for. We adapt the search result according to the user profile and the global learning. It’s possible to update certain modules of the MemNet in real-time, on several servers, without re-launch the programs.
Other duties:
• Human resources management concerning the R&D side.
• Influence the behaviour and the usability of the product.
• Make demonstration to investors.
• Attend meetings commercially important.
• Make decisions concerning the architecture of the Cloud: hardware and software.
We can manage a dynamical graph in the Cloud with several millions of vertices and hundred million edges in real-time with a distributed computing: compute locally where is the data. We can crawl 50 000 products per day and add between 200 and 300 products per second in the MemNet once the products are crawled.
- Associate Professor, computer science department
2010 - maintenant
Research in Auto-Adaptive Systems and Artificial Life with the IGCS Lab in the Biology/Chemistry department. The IGCS Lab, directed by Pr. Sarah Jenna, is specialized in integrated genomics and cell signaling.
- Senior Analyst
2010 - 2010
Develop new algorithms to aggregate ontologies in multiple subject in the Web Semantic field.
Mimetics Labs
2010 - maintenant
Mimetics Labs is a Canadian company that creates and develops auto-adaptative software and hardware solutions.
The Complex Auto-Adaptive System Technology, developed by Mimetics Labs, allows aggregated contextual and dynamic knowledge to emerge from distributed databases, wich represents a world premiere in the software industry.
Mimetics labs aims at changing the way computer science solve modern data problems.
Mission: With its unique abilities to cure data deluge and simulate living organisms, our technologies is ready to help solve some of the computing industry's biggest challenges.
Specialties: Complex Auto-adaptive Technologies
- Expert Development Engineer and Researcher
2008 - 2010
Software Expert on the modernization of the product Omnivision (Capacity Management) concerning the virtualization, Cloud Computing (VmWare in a first time).
The Omnivision product allows the management of a set of datacenter without technical knowledge thanks to a distributed system synchronizing a high flow of data. The software’s sales are 8 millions euros. C/C++/Java languages, JBoss technologie and Oracle database are used to develop this software. My duty:
- First contact for VmWare.
- Reverse engineering to write technical documentation on certain parts of the project.
- Orient and offer advise on the technical point of view on C/C++/Java languages but also on compilation method on Unix (Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, etc) and database development on Oracle (conceptual model, physical model and physical model optimization).
- Offer an efficient version management to respond rapidly on specific needs from certain customers.
- Analyze and model to include elements linked to the virtualization in the current Omnivision version: web services, SOAP protocol, crucial system variables for the virtualization, etc.
- Define new metrics.
- Work on the software architecture to increase its efficiency.
- Explain methods to industrialize the software for decrease costs.
- Build automated quality test.
- Technical expert in the customer’s appointments. First customer: France Telecom/Orange.
- Participate to the qualified personnel recruitment.
Keywords, languages and technologies: modeling, industrialization, research, expert in operating system, expert in multi-agents system, knowledge engineering, expert in distributed and parallel system, reverse engineering, consulting, Agile method, C/C++, Java, Python, Oracle, JBoss, Cloud Computing, VmWare, Xen Citrix, Microsoft
URL: www.systar.com
- Professor/Researcher
2002 - 2008
My teaching activity touch the artificial intelligence (expert systems, neural networks, multi-agent system, genetic algorithm and game theory), the concurrent programming and the kernel programming. Epitech school is oriented towards an intensive practical. All courses (in english)are linked to different project:
- gomoku game for the game theory and the multi-agent systems,
- expert system generator,
- fingerprint recognition software for the neural networks,
- simulation software for the genetic algorithm,
- a linguistic bot for the concurrent programming,
- and for the kernel programming: a memory allocation by network, a trigger for a file system, a new system call in the operating system and the design and the development of a micro-kernel (bootstrap, virtual memory, scheduler. All these features on a x86 CPU architecture).
The goal of my researches is to control a complex system with the creation of an auto-adaptive system.
Axlog Ingénierie
- Research Engineer
2001 - 2002
- Simulation of autonomous satellites constellation in a distributed environment (C/C++, Corba, GTK). In collaboration with European Space Agency.
- Mission management for Uav in hostile environment (constraints programming, Oz/Mozart, C, Tk). An European project including one university and five large industry companies: ``Universite Catholique de Louvain'' in Belgium, Axlog Engineer and Dassault Aviation in France, SIA, Datamat and Alenia Space in Italia.
- Developer
2000 - 2001
Palm Pilot and Mobile development with a new synchronization server developed with Java language. Name of the product: Unplugged Business Solution.